Saturday, January 4, 2025

7 Natural Remedies for Crushing Diabetes

We all know those commercials from those wonderful people that talk about diabetes. The problem with the world that we live in is that when it comes to problems like diabetes, doctors would rather put a band-aid on it and keep you on expensive synthetic drugs that are horrible for your body and keep you dependent on those drugs for the rest of your life. I was diagnosed with being pre-diabetic and I improved my numbers for blood sugar and helping my body digest sugars and lessen insulin resistance. Today we are going to discus what we can do to improve our blood sugar numbers and get out of diabetic range naturally instead of the synthetic garbage that doctors like to push on us. Here are 7 natural remedies for crushing diabetes!

1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon was the best thing that I could have done for my per-diabetic state and I found a tea that was absolutely delightful. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar naturally and it just tastes wonderful. 

2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful supplement that is a natural superfood that is widely recognized as being a miracle supplement that helps lower blood sugar. I generally added about a cup of water with some Splenda to make it a bit more bearable to drink. You want the good Braggs vinegar that as the mother with it. The mother is the good stuff that helps your gut bacteria.

3. Carnivore Diet
I have grown to love this diet, and it is my favorite diet as it is low carbs to no carbs and is very low impact on the glycemic index. Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson helped me with this diet as some people have such great food aversions that they can't eat anything, but meat. Look at history and the cave men that used to hunt for a living for their food. They ate meat for the grand majority of the time and they were muscular and were fit. 

4. Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is one of those supplements that was a miracle that helped my blood sugar drop really quickly. It has helped countless people to lower their blood sugar and make it out of the diabetic range. This is a must for diabetic patients.

5. Drink Water
Drinking water helps your body work more efficiently. When your body is more efficient, it helps lower blood sugar because your body doesn't have to work so hard to burn sugar.

6. Walking 
I went on a thirty minute walk, once a day, for three times per week to help my body burn off every form of sugar in my body. If you can manage a brisk walk, then it burns more sugar out of your body. You really want to do this to help with blood sugar.

7. Get More Sleep
I used magnesium to sleep better and get more and better quality of sleep. By getting sleep, you lower your cortisol levels and your blood sugar will come down when this happens. Take a rest and make sure you're sleeping at least seven hours per day.

I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post about how to help your pre-diabetes and diabetes in your own bodies. These are all natural remedies that will help cure your body of diabetes naturally without all of the synthetic garbage that the bigger pharmaceutical companies try to push on us. Please subscribe to this blog for more blog posts on health and weight loss and share with your family and friends to help them as well. Below is a list of the supplements that I used while trying to get out of my pre-diabetic range. 

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE do your own research and don't take this as gospel when it comes to diabetes. I am not a doctor, but I speak from experience in my own life and worked for me.  

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon Pills

Apple Cider Vinegar

Milk Thistle

Carnivore Diet

~Obesity Overload

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Capsaicin, Weight Loss WONDER?

Have you ever eaten something spicy and then had heartburn afterwards? This is because the capsaicin that is found in peppers helps boost metabolism, curbs appetite and help your body burn fat. Recently I have found a combination that is a weight loss WONDER combination and you aren’t going to believe what the combination is! Turn the heat up on capsaicin and let’s get cooking! 

1. Capsaicin 

Capsaicin is the first part of the combination in this weight loss wonder. Capsaicin is in varying amounts in peppers that you can eat. Generally the more capsaicin, the spicier a peppery food is. Capsaicin helps reduce the intake of calories by speeding up the transport of food. We have two kinds of fat cells in our body, white fat that your body stores for another day to keep from starving and brown fat that the body uses as energy. Capsaicin helps the white fat act like brown fat in the body. 

2. Yogurt 

I have been eating yogurt by the large tub in conjunction with Tabasco green hot sauce in my mashed potatoes. The yogurt has billions of good probiotics that promote good gut and stomach health. If you get Greek yogurt it’s all the better on the diet. While I definitely don’t eat the Tabasco green hot sauce and yogurt together, I eat them in the same day. My body has felt more energetic and I have kept losing weight and maintaining the weight loss. 

3. How much capsaicin should I eat? 

I splash my green Tabasco hot sauce quite a few times in my two-three cups of mashed potatoes. 2.6 mg of capsaicin every 36-144 hours can help you CURB THE WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAU. I use about 1/4 of the bottle of Tabasco in my potatoes every day and it has been greatly boosting my weight loss naturally. 

4. How much yogurt should I eat? 

This one is personal preference although I shoot for around 1-3 cups of yogurt in a day. I eat the smooth strawberry Yoplait yogurt for a dessert and it’s addictive in flavor. Greek yogurt is a great lower sugar alternative for dieting and weight loss. Yogurt probiotic is great for gut biome support. 

I do hope that you have learned something about weight loss and a food combination that you can embrace and use in your own life. Peppers that have capsaicin and yogurt that has probiotics can and do boost weight loss. Plateaus will be a thing of the past if you use this combination in your own life. Get to eating that spicy food and you will build a spicy tolerance and you will have no regrets! 

(I am not a licensed doctor and all liability rests on the reader’s shoulders to research. Please research and talk to your doctor about the benefits of capsaicin!) 


Thursday, June 15, 2023

5 Secrets to Blasting Through Weight Loss Plateau

Have you ever been in a weight loss plateau? Have you ever been trying to lose weight and you suddenly stop losing weight? If you need help getting through your weight loss plateau, you are really going to enjoy these 5 secrets to blasting through your weight loss plateau. There are some things that we can tweak a little bit to really throw our weight loss back into high gear. These are surefire secrets to blasting through weight loss plateau. Enjoy and share these secrets so others can profit!

1. Switch Things Up
Switching things up like eating different foods that you normally don't eat, doing exercises or activities that you don't normally do for your weight loss, or going to bed a little bit earlier can throw your body's weight loss back into high gear by throwing it off track and tricking yourself into doing things you don't normally do.

2. Get Moving
If you are someone that doesn't move very often you should take up the 10/2 rule and move for 10 minutes every 2 hours. If you can move for 10 minutes every 2 hours then you will burn more calories and help your body continue to keep the weight loss train moving. 

3. Cut More Calories 
Cut more calories where you can. Eat lower calories that are more dense and real food instead of processed food. We can cut more calories and help the caloric difference to be greater. Eat less calories than what you burn and your weight loss will begin again. Sometimes we forget this easy concept.

4. Consider Supplementing L-Carnitine
I have tried supplementing L-Carnitine and would suggest that you consult your doctor about supplementing it in your own life. Greater blood flow and more efficiency in your body can require that your body burn more calories to run. L-Carnitine is a great supplement to help your weight loss.

5. Sleep 1 Hour Longer
Sleeping 1 hour longer is a great secret for blasting through your weight loss plateau. The more you sleep the more you burn and the more weight you lose. Your body doesn't burn fat and calories while you work out, it burns them while you sleep. Sleeping is a growth and rejuvenating action that takes a lot of energy to do.

I hope that you have enjoyed these 5 secrets to blasting through your weight loss plateau. Implement these 5 secrets and enjoy the benefits of these fantastic tips. You will see your weight loss continue and will thrive in seeing your weight drop. Those couple of extra pounds in weight loss is in sight. You CAN reach your goals and get to the body that you deserve. Please share these 5 secrets to blasting through your weight loss plateau!

~Obesity Overload

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice...KEY to Burning Stubborn Fat FAST!

I really can't believe how fast this dietary weight loss supplement burns stubborn fat!

I have experienced a slowing metabolism and the feeling of sluggish dragging and zero energy do anything in my life.

Then, I tried Ikaria Lean Belly Juice and find that I am energetic, happy and healthy.

A lot of people don't realize that their organs are full of fat from the diets that we live with each and every day. I didn't realize it until I looked in the mirror and realized that my liver had a layer of fat around it because the right hand side of my stomach was protruding further down than the left side.

You might be thinking, "you can't possibly know that you have fatty liver disease from looking at your stomach," and you would be right! What makes it more believable that you might have fatty liver disease or heart arteries that are clogged with fat is how slow your metabolism is.

I started drinking Ikaria Lean Belly Juice and having a balanced diet and the weight started to peel off like the peel on an orange. It was AMAZING

This juice takes the wisdom of ancient nutrients and blends it together with exotic and natural ingredients to help you lose weight in a fast and efficient way that is simple and painless.

Who wouldn't want boundless energy and the ability to lose weight while drinking ONE glass of water with this supplement?

If you are wanting a fresh and easy way to lose weight with a set it and forget it method of Ikaria Lean Belly Juice, then click the CLICK HERE button below to get access to this great weight loss supplement.

You will be glad you did!

~Obesity Overload


Friday, February 18, 2022

Keto Diet, the Best Weight Loss Diet?

There has been a lot of speculation about the Keto Diet and if it’s the best diet for weight loss. I think that it’s been up in the rankings due to the fact that a lot of obese people find benefits to the Keto Diet. I would love to discuss with you today on a few reasons why I think that the Keto Diet is the best diet to do when you need to lose weight. 

1. Ketones Help Burn Fat

Ketones are a great way to burn fat and it is in fact one of the best and most efficient ways of burning fat. All you have to do is get your body into ketosis. Ketosis is when your body Burns the fat for energy instead of sugar that is found in the body. 

2. Fat Burns Just About 24/7 

There are small windows where less fat is burned in your day because when you break the fast (breakfast), or you eat to big of a lunch or dinner you can break your ketosis, and fat burn can come to a very slow burn. 

3. Eating is Relatively Easy 

Eating is relatively easy once you get the hang of it. It’s essentially 1/3 of your Keto Diet being fats and fatty foods, 1/3 of your Keto Diet being protein foods, and 1/3 of your Keto Diet being fiber rich foods that are little to no sugar. If you can keep the sugar and sodium to a low, then you can get into ketosis and stay there for quite a while. 

4. Lots of Great Resources 

I have found a lot of great resources for the Keto Diet that will aid you in your weight loss. You can give the Keto Diet a shot and use these resources. 

Thomas Delauer is a great YouTube resource that I have loved using in my Keto Diet endeavors. Click on Thomas Delauer for his YouTube channel’s resource for the Keto Diet ultimate guide! 

Harvard Medical School has put out a great resource for reading about learning if the Keto Diet is right for you! Click here or on the Harvard Medical School name for the link! 

I hope that you have enjoyed this wonderful short blog post about the Keto Diet! Please share this blog post if you enjoyed it and share it with your family and friends. If you would like us to break down the Keto Diet more please leave a comment and we can work on some extra blog posts. 

~Obesity Overload

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Drinking Soda Makes You So Blah...Kick the Habit NOW!

You didn't think your soda addiction was that terrible, yet then you discovered that each one of those additional calories could be the reason you're putting on weight. What's even more worse is that drinking soda expands your danger of diabetes, and it builds the midsection fat that can cause coronary illness and certain sorts of tumors, including stomach, pancreatic, and colon. Yowser! Lose weight and fat now to beat obesity.

Click Here to join us for the 2 Week Diet!

In case you're prepared to stop your soda addiction for good, I have mapped out a three-week intend to enable you to arrive. Here is a thought to get you motivated to stop. It's uncommon to discover one single dietary change that can affect your waistline as essentially as wiping out soda. That's on the grounds that a 12-ounce container of soda contains around 140 calories. On the off chance that somebody drinks two bottles of normal soda every day and does a change to seltzer or water, that individual will expend more than 102,200 less calories through the span of a year — that is the possibility to lose right around 30 pounds — with only one change.

Dumping soda isn't easy. Since it contains so much sugar, you need to break the sugar dependence that props you up back for additional soda and keeps you coming back for more. Here's the way to get out from under the addiction and get more advantageous in under three weeks.

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Do This Before Getting Started 

Take two or three days to recognize these three things:

-What you genuinely adore about pop

-When you normally appreciate it most

-Some unsweetened beverages that you truly appreciate

This is extremely vital. Do you drink soda as a stimulating beverage rather than espresso? Do you cherish how a sweet soda tastes rather than an exquisite dinner? Is everything about the fizzy air pockets? Completes an evening, soda brings you through the 3 p.m. droop? Making sense of this will enable you to discover sensible substitutions and sound options.

Week 1: Reduce Frequency 

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Weaning yourself off soda steadily may enable you to succeed. Begin by diminishing the quantity of servings you have every day. If you're an a few can-a-day soda consumer, bring that down to one can a day. In the event that you have one can a day, drink a can each other day. I recommend keeping a diary to screen how you're feeling, particularly on the off chance that you regularly drink a caffeine-containing pop. Cerebral pains are normal when decreasing caffeine utilization.

Week 2: Retrain Your Taste Buds 

In the second week, you'll be down to one serving for every day or each other day. Weaken that presenting with plain seltzer. This will influence you to feel like you're drinking soda however will help your taste buds adjust and figure out how to appreciate refreshments that aren't as sweet.

Week 3: Stop Drinking Soda 

Arrangement is key this week for your success. Stock your home and office with your most loved unsweetened beverages. In case you're somebody who more often than not appreciates a soda with your dinner, make certain your suppers contain a blend of sweet and appetizing flavors that will fulfill your want for differentiating flavors. For instance, top your serving of mixed greens with dried organic product or add diced cut apple to your turkey sandwich.

Here are some drink thoughts that aren't plain water. Regardless of whether you're searching for an air pocket fix or a remark your sweet tooth, these more beneficial decisions will help make the change far from soda additionally energizing:

-Infused water: Orange or grapefruit cuts in your water are invigorating, yet shouldn't something be said about strawberries and mint, or rosemary and lemon. Putting foods grown from the ground in your water will give you the flavor kick you crave.

-Seasoned seltzer water: My most loved brand is Polar on the grounds that they have the greatest assortment of flavors and as I would see it, the most grounded flavors."

-Kombucha: It's marginally carbonated on account of the aging procedure, so it will fulfill that bubbly desiring

-Club soda or plain seltzer with a sprinkle of 100 percent juice and a lemon or lime

-Frosted home grown tea: There are some fun, tasty natural teas available. Two of the sweetest (yet unsweetened) and most delicious teas I've found are Celestial Seasonings Zinger line of natural teas. Their Sangria Zinger (made frosted!) tastes simply like fruit punch.

-Espresso, dark, chai, or green tea: These are extraordinary in case you're feeling the loss of the caffeine kick from your soda!

I do hope that you can kick the soda habit and save yourself a world of hurt when it comes to losing weight. You can lose 30 pounds by not drinking soda. If you can kick the habit you can lose the weight, and that's a fact! Join us next time and please comment and share this post if you found it insightful. If you have other suggestions please comment, we would love to hear your opinion!

~Obesity Overload

 Click Here to join us for the 2 Week Diet!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Sweet Alternatives to Candy

Halloween is coming up quickly and we all know that there is nothing more wonderful than the sweet taste of candy and sugar when it comes to Halloween. The problem with this holiday is that so many people go trick-or-treating and they get too much candy. The candy is not the only problem, the other problem is that we don't eat one piece of candy and be done. We eat handfuls of candy and leave the wrappers to be desired. What are the alternatives to candy? Let's get started on discussing the best alternatives to candy that you can eat and still remain on your diet during Halloween.

1. Craisins 
Craisins are sweet cranberries that taste like candy, but they boost your immune system with heavy amounts of antioxidants. Raisins are quite tasty, but I love the Craisins because they have a bitter tang to them that makes them delectably yummy. These are a great alternative to candy for Halloween.

2. Prunes
Prunes are the second sweet alternative to candy during the Halloween holiday. Prunes are dried plums that are chewy are sweet. They are naturally very sweet and have several vitamins and minerals that make these little trinkets very great. You can get cherry flavored ones and they also come in several different flavors.

3. Yogurt
Yogurt is a third alternative to candy during the Halloween season and they are generally very sweet in nature, both from the fruits that are normally in the yogurt to the added sugar. There are pro-biotics that lurk in the yogurt to give you an immune system boost that will make your body stronger with it.

I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post on these sweet alternatives to candy during the Halloween and harvest season. So much sugar gets passed around at jobs, in businesses, at schools, and it really is not needed when it comes to weight loss and dieting. Fat feeds on sugar and so does cancer. In order to lose weight you are going to need to curb the sugar cravings. Working out will help with this and getting the endorphins flowing will help. Dried fruits are great alternatives as well. Enjoy they great sweet alternatives to candy!

~Obesity Overload