We all know those commercials from those wonderful people that talk about diabetes. The problem with the world that we live in is that when it comes to problems like diabetes, doctors would rather put a band-aid on it and keep you on expensive synthetic drugs that are horrible for your body and keep you dependent on those drugs for the rest of your life. I was diagnosed with being pre-diabetic and I improved my numbers for blood sugar and helping my body digest sugars and lessen insulin resistance. Today we are going to discus what we can do to improve our blood sugar numbers and get out of diabetic range naturally instead of the synthetic garbage that doctors like to push on us. Here are 7 natural remedies for crushing diabetes!
1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon was the best thing that I could have done for my per-diabetic state and I found a tea that was absolutely delightful. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar naturally and it just tastes wonderful.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful supplement that is a natural superfood that is widely recognized as being a miracle supplement that helps lower blood sugar. I generally added about a cup of water with some Splenda to make it a bit more bearable to drink. You want the good Braggs vinegar that as the mother with it. The mother is the good stuff that helps your gut bacteria.
3. Carnivore Diet
I have grown to love this diet, and it is my favorite diet as it is low carbs to no carbs and is very low impact on the glycemic index. Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson helped me with this diet as some people have such great food aversions that they can't eat anything, but meat. Look at history and the cave men that used to hunt for a living for their food. They ate meat for the grand majority of the time and they were muscular and were fit.
4. Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is one of those supplements that was a miracle that helped my blood sugar drop really quickly. It has helped countless people to lower their blood sugar and make it out of the diabetic range. This is a must for diabetic patients.
5. Drink Water
Drinking water helps your body work more efficiently. When your body is more efficient, it helps lower blood sugar because your body doesn't have to work so hard to burn sugar.
6. Walking
I went on a thirty minute walk, once a day, for three times per week to help my body burn off every form of sugar in my body. If you can manage a brisk walk, then it burns more sugar out of your body. You really want to do this to help with blood sugar.
7. Get More Sleep
I used magnesium to sleep better and get more and better quality of sleep. By getting sleep, you lower your cortisol levels and your blood sugar will come down when this happens. Take a rest and make sure you're sleeping at least seven hours per day.
I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post about how to help your pre-diabetes and diabetes in your own bodies. These are all natural remedies that will help cure your body of diabetes naturally without all of the synthetic garbage that the bigger pharmaceutical companies try to push on us. Please subscribe to this blog for more blog posts on health and weight loss and share with your family and friends to help them as well. Below is a list of the supplements that I used while trying to get out of my pre-diabetic range.
DISCLAIMER: PLEASE do your own research and don't take this as gospel when it comes to diabetes. I am not a doctor, but I speak from experience in my own life and worked for me.
Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon Pills
Apple Cider Vinegar
Milk Thistle
Carnivore Diet
~Obesity Overload