Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Edition: Obesity Overload

We have all eaten the classic turkey, potatoes, yams, stuffing, and the other various Thanksgiving Day feast dishes! With the buttery goodness comes the buttery guilt and shame of eating more and more of what makes you gain weight. For most of us, we are overweight and Thanksgiving seems to be a day when we gain even more weight than we would like. I would like to talk today about how to minimize then damage from all of the turkey and fatty foods. Let's get down to some quick tips for Thanksgiving and how to keep your diet going while enjoying some good food!

1. Use Less Butter
One quick way to keep from gaining weight is to use less butter than you normally would. Does your stuffing really need two sticks of butter? Stick it to some of your butter and stay away from most of that fat.

2. Eat With Smaller Plates
This one is kind of a, "DUH" tip, but it is one of the simplest ones to implement because it really gives you a perspective on how much you really eat. If you're a visual person, then it really pays to eat smaller!

3. Go for a Walk
Strap on your sneakers and get out and walk around with the family to burn off some of the food that you have eaten. Instead of sitting and letting the food sit on your stomach, go and get your burn on with your family.

4. Don't Eat the Skin
With this tip we will consider not eating the turkey skin. This may be something that not all of you guys take part in. There is a considerable amount of fat that is in the turkey skin. Stay with the turkey breast that is leaner than the rest of the fatty turkey.

5. Space Out
What we mean by spacing out is to space out your time between your meals a little bit instead of eating constantly. Let your food that you enjoy for the first meal of the day fully digest before eating the next meal.

Play some football or some soccer in your backyard or at a park nearby to burn off some more calories. We all enjoy some football during the holidays, but playing football is an excellent way to get rid of some fatty food!

I hope that you guys really enjoyed these tips and that you guys implement these tips in your guys' lives. Just because its Thanksgiving doesn't mean that your weight loss or diet has to suffer. You don't have to gain weight today, you can lose weight. We will have more links below for you to check out and more tips to help you lose weight. I highly encourage you guys to do your best today and to enjoy and give thanks with family and friends for what you have.

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my American readers and to my British readers! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
~Obesity Overload

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