Halloween is coming up quickly and we all know that there is nothing more wonderful than the sweet taste of candy and sugar when it comes to Halloween. The problem with this holiday is that so many people go trick-or-treating and they get too much candy. The candy is not the only problem, the other problem is that we don't eat one piece of candy and be done. We eat handfuls of candy and leave the wrappers to be desired. What are the alternatives to candy? Let's get started on discussing the best alternatives to candy that you can eat and still remain on your diet during Halloween.
1. Craisins
Craisins are sweet cranberries that taste like candy, but they boost your immune system with heavy amounts of antioxidants. Raisins are quite tasty, but I love the Craisins because they have a bitter tang to them that makes them delectably yummy. These are a great alternative to candy for Halloween.
2. Prunes
Prunes are the second sweet alternative to candy during the Halloween holiday. Prunes are dried plums that are chewy are sweet. They are naturally very sweet and have several vitamins and minerals that make these little trinkets very great. You can get cherry flavored ones and they also come in several different flavors.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is a third alternative to candy during the Halloween season and they are generally very sweet in nature, both from the fruits that are normally in the yogurt to the added sugar. There are pro-biotics that lurk in the yogurt to give you an immune system boost that will make your body stronger with it.
I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post on these sweet alternatives to candy during the Halloween and harvest season. So much sugar gets passed around at jobs, in businesses, at schools, and it really is not needed when it comes to weight loss and dieting. Fat feeds on sugar and so does cancer. In order to lose weight you are going to need to curb the sugar cravings. Working out will help with this and getting the endorphins flowing will help. Dried fruits are great alternatives as well. Enjoy they great sweet alternatives to candy!
~Obesity Overload
Friday, October 13, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Bodyweight Workout...Best Weight Loss
Its been said before, "You have to have a gym membership to lose weight." I would say that, that is a lie. The very best weight loss that you can have is from bodyweight workouts. I really want to discuss a few points that support this because people always think that you have to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to lose weight. I have personally gone through doing bodyweight workouts and I have lost 45 pounds and kept it off really well. The slower you lose your weight and the better you lose your weight the longer you will keep it off. Let's get started!
1. Slow Burn
When you utilize the bodyweight workout you will find that it is a slower burn, but it will be a good burn. It feels different when you're doing bodyweight workouts because you don't expect it to do that much of a workout. The slow burn will allow your body to get used to and acclimate to you losing weight and enjoying the beautiful results. Bodyweight workouts allow you to lose weight in body fat and sculpt a great looking body.
2. Low Investment
You will find that you don't have to invest a whole lot of money when you do bodyweight workouts. All you have to invest is time and you have to be disciplined to do it. You can utilize the fact that you will be working out with your body and no equipment. All you need is about 10 square feet of space, some water to rehydrate, and the will to keep going.
3. Heavier Workout
I find that bodyweight workouts are harder than the normal workouts with equipment in a gym because the machines take the resistance away from your body. Bodyweight utilizes more resistance and more muscles are used when there is more resistance. You will feel more tired and get a good burn going when you do bodyweight workouts. The superhero workouts that I have shared on here are great because you will be able to use superhero chiseled muscles after a few months of doing bodyweight workouts.
I would like to invite you to look at the superhero workouts on our blog and use them. We are all for using gym memberships for what they are supposed to be used for, but I like using your body and saving money. The muscle that you will be getting from the bodyweight workouts will be more endurance muscle, but can give you a chance to work off of them and get superhero-like muscle in a few short months. Check out the blog posts below on superhero workouts!
~Obesity Overload
Monday, September 4, 2017
The Truth About Superheroes and Weight Loss
There are so many myths and bad misconceptions out there about superheroes that you see in both comic books and those that we see in these Hollywood movies. We think that Dwayne Johnson, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman, and the countless of others just workout and eat whatever they want and that they come out looking like cookie cutter buff guys. This is NOT true by any stretch of the imagination. The problem that we all face when wanting to look like this may be a bit different than what we originally thought it might be.
1. Workout More
You have to realize that the superheroes that you see in the movies don't just do 8-10 reps of their heaviest for their body and then they are done for the day. The majority of them workout upwards of an hour doing weight lifting and cardio work to look like that. Some of them workout multiple times in a day. You have to do more to be able to grow more. You can't lift a few weights and then be done for the day. You have to workout more in order to get superhero results with weight loss.
2. Quit Sugar
Imagine that Captain America's Chris Evans works out and then goes and drinks a soda afterwards. This just DOES NOT happen! Chris Evan's and all of the famous superheroes that get really big really fast are not eating or drinking sugar. They may have some on a cheat day every so often, but they're not sitting around, pigging out on sugar, and playing Call of Duty. In order to be the superhero, they have to literally BE the superhero. Quit your sugar if you want maximum weight loss and muscle gain like the superheroes.
3. Eat More
The biggest challenge that all of the actors and actresses face on a daily basis is eating WAY more than what they are used to. With the exception of Sylvester Stallone (he would eat 1100 calories of pure good food in a day), all of the rest of the superheroes are eating over 6000 calories of pure protein, some fat, and very low amounts of carbs in a day! Chicken and eggs are a huge favorite when eating like a superhero and achieving that weight loss.
As you can see, the truth hurts! Superheroes don't just get to eat garbage and sit on the couch in order to be able to be a cool and supermanly and superwomanly superhero. It takes a LOT of hard work, but it is worth it for each and everyone one of them. All of them drink enormous amounts of water. We would suggest the 6-8 glasses of water in a day unless you're active and using the water that you're taking in. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. Please comment, like and share this post with your family and friends!
~Obesity Overload
1. Workout More
You have to realize that the superheroes that you see in the movies don't just do 8-10 reps of their heaviest for their body and then they are done for the day. The majority of them workout upwards of an hour doing weight lifting and cardio work to look like that. Some of them workout multiple times in a day. You have to do more to be able to grow more. You can't lift a few weights and then be done for the day. You have to workout more in order to get superhero results with weight loss.
2. Quit Sugar
Imagine that Captain America's Chris Evans works out and then goes and drinks a soda afterwards. This just DOES NOT happen! Chris Evan's and all of the famous superheroes that get really big really fast are not eating or drinking sugar. They may have some on a cheat day every so often, but they're not sitting around, pigging out on sugar, and playing Call of Duty. In order to be the superhero, they have to literally BE the superhero. Quit your sugar if you want maximum weight loss and muscle gain like the superheroes.
3. Eat More
The biggest challenge that all of the actors and actresses face on a daily basis is eating WAY more than what they are used to. With the exception of Sylvester Stallone (he would eat 1100 calories of pure good food in a day), all of the rest of the superheroes are eating over 6000 calories of pure protein, some fat, and very low amounts of carbs in a day! Chicken and eggs are a huge favorite when eating like a superhero and achieving that weight loss.
As you can see, the truth hurts! Superheroes don't just get to eat garbage and sit on the couch in order to be able to be a cool and supermanly and superwomanly superhero. It takes a LOT of hard work, but it is worth it for each and everyone one of them. All of them drink enormous amounts of water. We would suggest the 6-8 glasses of water in a day unless you're active and using the water that you're taking in. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. Please comment, like and share this post with your family and friends!
~Obesity Overload
Friday, May 26, 2017
10 Things to Do When You Feel Like Quitting
Are you someone that is thinking about quitting your weight loss or diet program? We have all thought about doing this at one point or another. The thought about quitting seems to come up a lot because we find it hard to do the things that are essential for weight loss and keeping on track with our diet. You can either quit what you are doing with your weight loss or diet program, or you can take the bull by the horns and go out and do it. What do you do when you feel like quitting? Let's take a look!
1. Remember
The first thing that you can do when you feel like quitting is to think back and remember why it was that you were wanting to quit. You may have been doing your weight loss or diet program because you wanted to get a girl or a guy, or you were losing weight to fit in smaller clothes, to look better, whatever reason that you had. Think back and really remember the, "why." You will be glad you did.
2. Hold
The second thing that you can do is to hold on to that reason and why you wanted to do it in the first place. People forget things and why they do the things that they do. Hold on with a tight grip to that all important reason why you are doing it. When everything wants to take that reason you are doing your weight loss or diet program away from you, take a hold of it and rip it out of their hands.
3. Focus
3. Focus
After you struggle and grind and fight with the reason why you were wanting to do it in the first place, focus on the solution that will bring your motivation and love for doing it back around. The solution is to think about all of the time and energy and money that you have already given to it. Think about what your life would be like if you were to quit. Would your family line continue with obesity and disease from obesity? Or can you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make a difference?
4. Reality
4. Reality
A lot of the bloggers that I see that blog about weight loss, fitness, dieting, bodybuilding, working out, and on and on, they all have one thing in common. That one thing is that they sugar coat everything for you and tell you that it's easy. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Think about reality and how the world works. Nothing is easy! Weight loss is a long and hard road. I have seen fitness gurus and trainers that say its easy. Its not. Now that you have thought about reality, think about reality in the sense of how easy it COULD be by breaking it down into smaller chunks, say, a few minutes a day to work out. Keep in mind that its hard, not easy.
5. Goals
5. Goals
Share your goals with at least one person this week that is NOT yourself! By sharing these goals with someone, you may find it it will inspire them and them being inspired might inspire you. Take some time to get a drink, slow down in the day, and share your thoughts and goals for weight loss and dieting with them. They might have useful information for you on how to attain those goals as well.
6. Challenges
Acknowledge the challenges that you are facing and will face in the future with going through with weight loss or dieting. So often we find ourselves struggling in challenges and we don't acknowledge them. By doing this, we put ourselves in a place to be completely oblivious towards what it is that's causing us to fail. Accept those challenges and work to conquer them and destroy them with every step you take.
7. Positive
The last thing to do when you feel like quitting is to be positive. Think about the happy things that you have accomplished through weight loss and or dieting. Take away the negative thoughts that will bring you down and strive to be positive and happy. By doing this you will find that you no longer want to quit your weight loss or diet program. Positive thinking is like good food for the soul.
8. Think
Think about the hard work that you have put in to working on your diet and your weight loss. It has been darn hard work just burning the fat and weight off, let alone eating correctly and actually putting together the process of weight loss. Stop and think for a minute and see how much better you will feel after your diet or weight loss. Most people don't consider how much effort it has taken in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
9. Changes
Think about the hard work that you have put in to working on your diet and your weight loss. It has been darn hard work just burning the fat and weight off, let alone eating correctly and actually putting together the process of weight loss. Stop and think for a minute and see how much better you will feel after your diet or weight loss. Most people don't consider how much effort it has taken in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
9. Changes
Make small changes in order to let your body acclimate better to your weight loss and diet program to give yourself a chance to save your new lifestyle. Sometimes we make these huge changes to our weight loss goals or diets and our bodies just can't take so many big changes at such high prices. Our bodies and psyche can't understand what is going on with change as we are not fans of change.
10. Perspective
Think about what your perspective is on how your situation looks. Sometimes our perspective becomes clouded when we don't see the bigger picture. You can change your life for the better and never see yourself as changed. You must introduce yourself to the new you that is coming and welcome in the new lifestyle that you will encounter upon still doing your weight loss or diet instead of quitting.
10. Perspective
Think about what your perspective is on how your situation looks. Sometimes our perspective becomes clouded when we don't see the bigger picture. You can change your life for the better and never see yourself as changed. You must introduce yourself to the new you that is coming and welcome in the new lifestyle that you will encounter upon still doing your weight loss or diet instead of quitting.
I hope that my readers can implement these things that you can do when you feel like quitting. Its a pretty simple job of thinking about how hard you have worked and not being stupid enough to quit. I know that it hurts when you work out and its hard to eat good all the time, but you guys must strive to beat obesity and keep going. Otherwise, you may find that if you quit, it just might be to your demise or downfall.
~Obesity Overload
~Obesity Overload
Sunday, May 21, 2017
10 Power Packed Weight Loss Foods
Many people wonder what to eat on a diet and it really is no wonder why. So many blogs talk about so many different foods. We want to give you 10 power packed weight loss foods for your diet. These foods are the best for weight loss and will really help you succeed in beating obesity. You are going to want to spread the news and go shopping for these foods once you learn about which ones they are.
1. Almonds
The first power packed food for weight loss is the almond. Almonds are low in calories, taste sweet and crunchy, are an excellent source of omega 3's, and have several great vitamins and nutrients. These are a great weight loss snack!
2. Legumes
Legumes are great for weight loss and pack quite a powerful punch. Fiber is numerous in legumes and other minerals are in abundance. Make some legumes as a side dish or incorporate it into your meal to keep you feeling full.
3. Berries
Berries are a secretly power packed weight loss food that has antioxidants in every bite, a sweet treat, they vitamins and minerals and they make other foods taste fantastic. My favorite berry is the strawberry because I love how they taste. Berries are a great snack for weight loss.
4. Green Tea
Green tea or yerba mate is great for burning fat and has the power to jump start your weight loss back to life. If you're struggling with weight loss, this tea is very powerful in burning fat. I remember my dad saying that when he went to Uruguay in South America, the people walk around drinking yerba mate out of a gourd, with a strained straw and everyone is slim and strong. It is full of antioxidants and has some caffeine that will give you a natural boost in your day.
5. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a citrus that is not spoken of all that much. It is powerful because citrus is power packed full of water, vitamins and essential minerals. Grapefruit has been tied to burning a lot of fat as it is a fat burning machine.
6. Apples
I can't speak well enough about apples as they are a favorite fruit of mine. Fiber is abundant in apples and apples are a fruit that will keep you feeling full. Vitamins are quite full in apples, but you have to be careful because some apples are more sugar filled than others.
7. Avocados
The seventh power packed weight loss food is avocados. This veggie is known for its hard cored center and smooth flesh. Avocados are mistaken for being a food that is bad for you, but it is simply not true. Avocados have a greater fat content, but remember, eating fat doesn't make you fat. Eating sugar makes you fat.
8. Spinach
Weight loss foods always cover the basics, but spinach is a special food that packs so many good and powerful qualities about it. Spinach is fiber rich, vitamins and minerals are present by the myriad, and you can make a really good salad out of spinach. It will not give you special powers or muscle immediately, but it will boost your weight loss efforts and leave you feeling guilt free as you demolish obesity.
9. Broccoli
Broccoli is a weight loss, power packed, obesity crushing, fat destroying bomb. Vitamins and minerals are huge in broccoli and fiber is great for keeping things regular. If you find that you are gassy when you eat broccoli raw, then you can steam it and it will make the broccoli more bearable and manageable for your body to handle.
10. Dark Chocolate
Okay,, okay, I know that I wrote that you burn fat with dark chocolate. I bet that you didn't know that there are antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols in dark chocolate. Polyphenols are some of the best and most efficiently burning fuels that your body can burn. Dark Chocolate is a phenomenal food that has a lot of power and is packed full of good nutrients that will help your weight loss endeavors.
I have loved talking about foods that will help you on your way to that beach body that we all want to have. Weight loss can be hard if you don't have enough options to eat and fill your meals and snacks with. I would like to invite you to comment on which foods you like to eat for your weight loss and like and share this post. Please subscribe if you liked the post to get these posts delivered to your email. Good day and good eating!
~Obesity Overload
Check out these top posts if you have missed them!
Is the ETL Diet the Best Diet? You Decide!
Iced Tea, Alternative to Soda
Obesity Overload: United Kingdom Edition
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Naturally Boost Your Testosterone for Greater Performance
Testosterone is the main sex hormone, but today we are going to talk about other aspects as to what testosterone does to your body. There are few things if anything that is greater than feeling the pump of blood rushing through your veins when your working out hard. Boosting your testosterone and then feeling that blood pump through your veins feels better. In this blog post we will talk about why we should boost testosterone and then how to naturally boost your testosterone for greater performance in your workouts and athletically. This post is more for the men out there that are looking to lose weight in a short amount of time and in huge bursts.
Why should we boost testosterone for greater performance?
A. Increased Muscle Mass
You can easily boost your muscle mass by increasing your testosterone levels. The reason being is that testosterone is the chemical that is released into the body after the brain sends a signal to the rest of your body that. Testosterone is part of what makes your body respond and pack on the muscle.
B. Fat Metabolism
Testosterone releases and tells your body to burn more of the fat that you have instead of letting the body store it. Stress makes fat store, testosterone makes the fat burn. Your metabolism increases and your weight loss becomes easier when you combine the testosterone with a good set of muscle. This becomes a winning combination when it comes to weight loss and beating obesity.
C. Increased Blood Cells
Testosterone increases the amount of red blood cells that are made when the blood marrow is activated by the testosterone. Bone density is increased as well. When the red blood cells are increased the body runs more efficiently and your body becomes a fat burning machine. Weight loss becomes a piece of cake.
How do we naturally boost testosterone for greater performance?
1. Exercises and Lift Weights More
One of the most natural ways to boost your testosterone for greater athletic performance is to increase your muscle mass by exercising more and lifting weights. When lifting weights we find that the brain releases more growth hormones in the body in order to heal the muscles that were injured slightly in order to come back. Bigger muscles equals more testosterone and more testosterone equals more weight loss and more fat burned.
2. Eat and Drink More Protein
Eating and drinking more protein increases testosterone naturally because the protein itself contains testosterone. I would suggest the men to eat and drink whey protein as it has less estrogen in it and more testosterone. I prefer drinking my protein as opposed to eating it because the protein typically tastes better than eating it.
3. Stay Away from Flax
We kind of touched on this in the last way that we naturally boost testosterone. Staying away from flax products and flax seed is essentially for producing more testosterone. Estrogen is the counterproductive counterpart to testosterone, and is in a way, the testosterone for women. For guys, we are going to want to stay away from anything that has flax or soy proteins in it. Soy is a bit better for the men, but both are counter to testosterone.
4. Get More Rest
Your body will burn a lot more fat and will work more efficiently and have greater performance after you start to get more testosterone. As everyone knows, especially those that lift heavy know that we have to rest in order to create a greater amount of testosterone. The body makes repairs and builds the muscle in the resting stage. You will find a great increase in testosterone if you give yourself two more hours increase in sleep more than what you get now. This can come in the form of a nap as well.
We have given you some great ideas on how to boost testosterone naturally in order to get greater performance athletically. I want to invite you all to share this blog post anywhere you can and please comment below to give us even more ways to naturally boost testosterone. This was a great a fun blog post to write as I find that my body feels drab if my testosterone is low. Let's get the manly muscle one, boost the testosterone, lose that weight and beat obesity!
~Obesity Overload
Why should we boost testosterone for greater performance?
A. Increased Muscle Mass
You can easily boost your muscle mass by increasing your testosterone levels. The reason being is that testosterone is the chemical that is released into the body after the brain sends a signal to the rest of your body that. Testosterone is part of what makes your body respond and pack on the muscle.
B. Fat Metabolism
Testosterone releases and tells your body to burn more of the fat that you have instead of letting the body store it. Stress makes fat store, testosterone makes the fat burn. Your metabolism increases and your weight loss becomes easier when you combine the testosterone with a good set of muscle. This becomes a winning combination when it comes to weight loss and beating obesity.
C. Increased Blood Cells
Testosterone increases the amount of red blood cells that are made when the blood marrow is activated by the testosterone. Bone density is increased as well. When the red blood cells are increased the body runs more efficiently and your body becomes a fat burning machine. Weight loss becomes a piece of cake.
How do we naturally boost testosterone for greater performance?
1. Exercises and Lift Weights More
One of the most natural ways to boost your testosterone for greater athletic performance is to increase your muscle mass by exercising more and lifting weights. When lifting weights we find that the brain releases more growth hormones in the body in order to heal the muscles that were injured slightly in order to come back. Bigger muscles equals more testosterone and more testosterone equals more weight loss and more fat burned.
2. Eat and Drink More Protein
Eating and drinking more protein increases testosterone naturally because the protein itself contains testosterone. I would suggest the men to eat and drink whey protein as it has less estrogen in it and more testosterone. I prefer drinking my protein as opposed to eating it because the protein typically tastes better than eating it.
3. Stay Away from Flax
We kind of touched on this in the last way that we naturally boost testosterone. Staying away from flax products and flax seed is essentially for producing more testosterone. Estrogen is the counterproductive counterpart to testosterone, and is in a way, the testosterone for women. For guys, we are going to want to stay away from anything that has flax or soy proteins in it. Soy is a bit better for the men, but both are counter to testosterone.
4. Get More Rest
Your body will burn a lot more fat and will work more efficiently and have greater performance after you start to get more testosterone. As everyone knows, especially those that lift heavy know that we have to rest in order to create a greater amount of testosterone. The body makes repairs and builds the muscle in the resting stage. You will find a great increase in testosterone if you give yourself two more hours increase in sleep more than what you get now. This can come in the form of a nap as well.
We have given you some great ideas on how to boost testosterone naturally in order to get greater performance athletically. I want to invite you all to share this blog post anywhere you can and please comment below to give us even more ways to naturally boost testosterone. This was a great a fun blog post to write as I find that my body feels drab if my testosterone is low. Let's get the manly muscle one, boost the testosterone, lose that weight and beat obesity!
~Obesity Overload
Friday, May 12, 2017
5 Secret Exercises for Getting Pumped Up Muscle at Home
It's no secret that there
have been certain exercises to working out and getting pumped. We have 5 secret
exercises for getting pumped up muscle at home and without heavy equipment. All
you're going to need is a hand towel or bath towel. You might be thinking that
these exercises couldn't possibly get you pumped up muscle, but you would be
DEAD wrong! I have used these to get ripped at home for free and the secret is
out...these work to get you jacked and ripped.
1. Push-up Hand Raises
In order to do the push-up hand raises you're going to want to grip your towel about shoulder width apart. Then you assume push-up position when you're at your highest, then you try to raise your hands one at a time as close to your body as you can get them. If this doesn't work with your hands being shoulder width apart then put them closer together. This exercise will work your shoulders, your triceps, your chest, and your abs. Try to pull your hands apart as you lift the hands one at a time.
2. Military Press Skull Crushers
To properly execute the military press you hold the towel shoulder width apart and you extend your arms above your head and bring it down in front or behind your head. For this exercise we are going to bend our elbows as our hands go behind our head. Once your hands are above your head we are going to pull our hands apart while gripping the towel. This exercise will work your shoulders, upper back,
3. Super Crunch
We are doing a variation of a crunch in which you are going to hold the towel shoulder width apart and try to get the towel gripping hands to your feet at the end of the crunch. Focus on trying to pull the towel gripped hands apart. This will give us a greater stretch in our shoulders and a deeper crunch in our abs. All of the sections of the ab wall be activated. Don't bounce as this will take away of the deep burn that you will experience.
4. High Knees
High knees are done when you run in place, trying to get your knees as high as you can. We are going to hold the towel out in front of us and try to pull those long shoulder width arms apart. You can variate this by bouncing the hands up and down while trying to do those high knees. Another variation of these high knees is to variate your running speed. Try running slower, then faster, then at a medium pace. This exercise will toast your legs, abs, and your arms.
5. Squashing Squat
We are going to ramp up the squat and make it something to behold. This is going to be a man-maker of an exercise. Assume the squat position with your towel in your hands at shoulder width apart fully stretched out. Push your hands out until you can feel your abs activate. Push your hands up and stretch those abs upwards after a few moments, and then thrust those hands down in a sort of a squat crunch. Try to push the hands apart in order to get more out of this exercise.
1 TIP (This is what makes these exercises work!)
Pull the hands apart as much as you can with these exercises in order to get more burn and deeper reps. Do these exercises every day until failure and you will be ripped and jacked with huge muscles.
Weight loss, fat burn, and obliteration of obesity is the inevitable destiny after you have used these exercises to workout. You will be burning so much more fat if you do these until failure. These exercises are widely known and you will find yourself gasping for air after this workout.
All of these exercises are variations that are designed to get the nooks and crannies that are normally neglected. They burn more fat and build more muscle by utilizing multiple muscles at once. You guys and gals will definitely feel your body getting buff and ripped as your muscles will be burning immediately. Please share this blog post, subscribe to our blog and leave a comment below to share your results and let me know what I should blog about next! Use these 5 secret exercises for getting pumped up muscle at home.
~Obesity Overload
1. Push-up Hand Raises
In order to do the push-up hand raises you're going to want to grip your towel about shoulder width apart. Then you assume push-up position when you're at your highest, then you try to raise your hands one at a time as close to your body as you can get them. If this doesn't work with your hands being shoulder width apart then put them closer together. This exercise will work your shoulders, your triceps, your chest, and your abs. Try to pull your hands apart as you lift the hands one at a time.
2. Military Press Skull Crushers
To properly execute the military press you hold the towel shoulder width apart and you extend your arms above your head and bring it down in front or behind your head. For this exercise we are going to bend our elbows as our hands go behind our head. Once your hands are above your head we are going to pull our hands apart while gripping the towel. This exercise will work your shoulders, upper back,
3. Super Crunch
We are doing a variation of a crunch in which you are going to hold the towel shoulder width apart and try to get the towel gripping hands to your feet at the end of the crunch. Focus on trying to pull the towel gripped hands apart. This will give us a greater stretch in our shoulders and a deeper crunch in our abs. All of the sections of the ab wall be activated. Don't bounce as this will take away of the deep burn that you will experience.
4. High Knees
High knees are done when you run in place, trying to get your knees as high as you can. We are going to hold the towel out in front of us and try to pull those long shoulder width arms apart. You can variate this by bouncing the hands up and down while trying to do those high knees. Another variation of these high knees is to variate your running speed. Try running slower, then faster, then at a medium pace. This exercise will toast your legs, abs, and your arms.
5. Squashing Squat
We are going to ramp up the squat and make it something to behold. This is going to be a man-maker of an exercise. Assume the squat position with your towel in your hands at shoulder width apart fully stretched out. Push your hands out until you can feel your abs activate. Push your hands up and stretch those abs upwards after a few moments, and then thrust those hands down in a sort of a squat crunch. Try to push the hands apart in order to get more out of this exercise.
1 TIP (This is what makes these exercises work!)
Pull the hands apart as much as you can with these exercises in order to get more burn and deeper reps. Do these exercises every day until failure and you will be ripped and jacked with huge muscles.
Weight loss, fat burn, and obliteration of obesity is the inevitable destiny after you have used these exercises to workout. You will be burning so much more fat if you do these until failure. These exercises are widely known and you will find yourself gasping for air after this workout.
All of these exercises are variations that are designed to get the nooks and crannies that are normally neglected. They burn more fat and build more muscle by utilizing multiple muscles at once. You guys and gals will definitely feel your body getting buff and ripped as your muscles will be burning immediately. Please share this blog post, subscribe to our blog and leave a comment below to share your results and let me know what I should blog about next! Use these 5 secret exercises for getting pumped up muscle at home.
~Obesity Overload
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Iced Tea, Best Alternative to Soda
If you are like me, you really like soda. The fizz just makes your taste buds dance, the sugar makes your mouth happy, but you give up an astronomical amount of calories in just one can of soda. Very few of us really like to drink just water as it can taste very plain. We like our fluids that we drink to have a little bit of taste, a little bit of POP. I have often had a belly that I can't quite shake, just because I drink soda instead of water or iced tea. I checked on the calories in iced tea as opposed to soda, and there is no comparison on which one is better. If you drink a glass of iced tea with a little bit of sugar, it is normally under 30 calories. A can of soda averages about 140 calories. This is just one of many good effects of iced tea.
1. Iced Tea Keeps You Feeling Full
Iced tea is really good for weight loss because it is a fraction of the calories of a soda. Iced tea also keeps you feeling full without all of the calories. If you drink a glass of iced tea in between meals or before a big meal it will help to curb those hunger pangs. I usually drink it in the morning to get my metabolism going. Adding lemon or lime to your iced tea can give it a nice acidic twist.
2. Stabilizes Your Blood Glucose Levels
Unsweetened Iced tea is also good for stabilizing your blood glucose levels. Iced tea helps regulate the fluctuation of glucose levels. If you are a diabetic that is trying to lose weight then unsweetened iced tea is great for you. Green tea is typically sweeter than black tea and green tea is directly in conjunction with weight loss.
3. Natural Caffeine
Black and green iced teas have natural caffeine that helps boost body energy levels. This caffeine is not artificial, but it is good to drink in moderation and keep the caffeine to a low. Caffeine is used in sports to give you muscle endurance. Caffeine in soda is added, artificial, and is consumed in dangerously high amounts. Caffeine in iced tea gives you just enough natural caffeine to keep going.
4. Half Iced Tea, Half Lemonade
The half iced tea and half lemonade is one of my favorite options, especially when losing weight. It seems easier to cut your gut when you just switch from soda to iced tea. Iced tea is a great supplement to transition to water from soda. The Arnold Palmer as it is famously called is my favorite beverage, at least the ones that are non-alcoholic. Add a little bit of sugar or honey and it really hits the spot!
5. Iced Tea Not Like Water
Iced tea is not like water and will not hydrate you like water. The misconception that many people have is that iced tea will hydrate their body like water does. This is simply not true! You need to drink as much water as you do iced tea. There are little crystals that will turn into kidney stones if you don't moderate the iced and the water. Iced tea may have antioxidants, but the hydration properties that water has is just not there. Much like soda, iced tea has water IN it, but it is not water.
6. Drink Tea, Consume More Water
Drinking iced tea makes your body make saliva and makes your body create amino acids. This, in turn, makes your body want to drink water. Drinking water will make your body feel more full while eating less. Drinking water will flush your urinary tract and kidneys to get rid of the mineral residue that is natural. Iced tea can flush some nasty garbage from your body that you may not have even known was there. Water can restore the good properties that sometimes get flushed when diuretic iced tea is consumed.
These effects of iced tea make it a considerably better option instead of soda. Drink iced tea to get a little bit of taste while staying full. Drink it in moderation with water to begin feeling better and work your way into drinking all water. Iced tea is famously starred in the Duck Dynasty show with Uncle Si Robertson. Take a swig, kick back, and relax. You can drink up to four times as much tea as soda and it is still really good for you, iced tea that is!
~Obesity Overload
1. Iced Tea Keeps You Feeling Full
Iced tea is really good for weight loss because it is a fraction of the calories of a soda. Iced tea also keeps you feeling full without all of the calories. If you drink a glass of iced tea in between meals or before a big meal it will help to curb those hunger pangs. I usually drink it in the morning to get my metabolism going. Adding lemon or lime to your iced tea can give it a nice acidic twist.
2. Stabilizes Your Blood Glucose Levels
Unsweetened Iced tea is also good for stabilizing your blood glucose levels. Iced tea helps regulate the fluctuation of glucose levels. If you are a diabetic that is trying to lose weight then unsweetened iced tea is great for you. Green tea is typically sweeter than black tea and green tea is directly in conjunction with weight loss.
3. Natural Caffeine
Black and green iced teas have natural caffeine that helps boost body energy levels. This caffeine is not artificial, but it is good to drink in moderation and keep the caffeine to a low. Caffeine is used in sports to give you muscle endurance. Caffeine in soda is added, artificial, and is consumed in dangerously high amounts. Caffeine in iced tea gives you just enough natural caffeine to keep going.
4. Half Iced Tea, Half Lemonade
The half iced tea and half lemonade is one of my favorite options, especially when losing weight. It seems easier to cut your gut when you just switch from soda to iced tea. Iced tea is a great supplement to transition to water from soda. The Arnold Palmer as it is famously called is my favorite beverage, at least the ones that are non-alcoholic. Add a little bit of sugar or honey and it really hits the spot!
5. Iced Tea Not Like Water
Iced tea is not like water and will not hydrate you like water. The misconception that many people have is that iced tea will hydrate their body like water does. This is simply not true! You need to drink as much water as you do iced tea. There are little crystals that will turn into kidney stones if you don't moderate the iced and the water. Iced tea may have antioxidants, but the hydration properties that water has is just not there. Much like soda, iced tea has water IN it, but it is not water.
6. Drink Tea, Consume More Water
Drinking iced tea makes your body make saliva and makes your body create amino acids. This, in turn, makes your body want to drink water. Drinking water will make your body feel more full while eating less. Drinking water will flush your urinary tract and kidneys to get rid of the mineral residue that is natural. Iced tea can flush some nasty garbage from your body that you may not have even known was there. Water can restore the good properties that sometimes get flushed when diuretic iced tea is consumed.
These effects of iced tea make it a considerably better option instead of soda. Drink iced tea to get a little bit of taste while staying full. Drink it in moderation with water to begin feeling better and work your way into drinking all water. Iced tea is famously starred in the Duck Dynasty show with Uncle Si Robertson. Take a swig, kick back, and relax. You can drink up to four times as much tea as soda and it is still really good for you, iced tea that is!
~Obesity Overload
Thursday, January 12, 2017
5 Simple Ways to Tighten Your Core in 7 Days
I was sitting there one day trying
to figure out how to tighten your core and how to do it as quick as I could.
There are many ways to tighten your core, but I wanted to give you five of the
best ones that I have found to work the best for me. We will do it in 7 days,
but you have to be committed to eating right and working out every day.
Implement these 5 ways to tighten your core for 7 days and you will tighten
your core considerably. I have used these 5 ways in my life and have tightened
my core immensely.
1. Plank
1. Plank
The single greatest exercise for tightening your core has got to be the plank. I have used this exercise quite a bit. You may think it easy to hold a push-up position for a long amount of time while not letting your lower back sink, but it may prove more difficult than you think. I started at holding the plank for one minute and worked my way up from there. If holding it on your hands is too easy, simply rock down to your elbows.
2. Drink
This may not be exactly what you were thinking of when first seeing the word, "drink." I have found that drinking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8 ounce glass of water is a hyper boost to your metabolism. Besides boosting the metabolism, the vinegar balances out the PH in your body to make it more alkaline. What does this mean for your weight loss? It means that you can tighten your core even more because your body is rid of the pain causing acid that sticks in your joints.
3. Breathe

Breathing deeply and practicing your flexing will allow your stomach to get used to being hardened. If you flex in a mirror it will help you to visualize your breathing and flexing. Breathing properly adds another dimension to your core tightening and strengthening. When you breathe in deeply you flex your diaphragm and abs. Really feel the abs flex as you see them when you squeeze. Yoga is phenomenal when it comes to practicing your deep breathing.
4. Kettlebell

Kettle…what? Kettlebells and swinging a chunk of weight that is quite heavy will cause you to flex those abs and tighten that core. Grip that handle, keep your back straight, and swing that kettlebell. A tip that I found that helps is to flex the abs in order to get the bell to swing, don’t physically swing your arm. Its not an arm workout, its an abdomen workout.
5. Stop

Stop eating sugar! Sugar is the biggest fuel for fat and gaining a lot of weight. Once you completely cut the sugar, you cut the gut and tighten your core. Sugar is all bad and doesn’t present any good nutrition for your body. I stopped eating and drinking sugar and my weight began to go down. As I lost the weight my core tightened and my abs were uncovered under the layer of fat.
Please subscribe to our blog and like this blog post on Facebook and your favorite social media sites with the buttons below the post. Share it with your friends as 5 great ways to tighten your core. These have been perfected by myself and I speak from experience. If you do these five things for 7 days in a row you will find yourself with the beginning of a nice set of abs. If you don’t see it in 7 days, repeat until you do! Enjoy your tightening core!
~Obesity Overload
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Gorging Green Diet...the Cleanest Diet Yet?
Have you ever been gorging yourself when you should be on a diet, but you never thought that you could gorge yourself on green veggies? Have you ever just wanted a diet that would give you a cleaner and nutritional diet? Are you someone that needs a detoxification of your body by the diet that you're trying to choose? If you're someone that is sick of the conventional diets and you want a diet that is completely new and different, then this diet is for you. This is not your parents' diet and that is a very good and beautiful thing! Let's get into the diet that could sweep the world and take it by storm!
1. Greener is Cleaner
Greener is definitely cleaner and is not just better for the environment. Your body will have a new vibe when you begin to eat greener and cleaner. Spinach, lettuce, celery, Swiss chard, kale, and broccoli are just a few of the great super-foods and veggies that you can eat with this diet. Gorging yourself on green veggies will give you the essential vitamins and minerals that you body needs to run cleaner.
2. Calorie Counting Gone
Can there really be a diet that gets rid of calorie counting? This will be the second diet that we have created that utilizes watching what you eat instead of counting calories. There are also very few calories in fruits and veggies that are green. The reason that we want the calorie counting to be a thing of the past is that we want this diet to be easy enough for anyone to do. This makes fat burn and weight loss all the easier.
3. The Green of the Diet
The green aspect to the diet is what we want to utilize. By eating green fruits and veggies you will lose more weight quicker. I find that salads, soups, and smoothies that are green with veggies are some of the best ways to enjoy the green of the diet. Salads are probably my favorite when it comes to clean eating. The conundrum that we come against is the fact that putting gobs of dressing on your salad kills the purpose of green eating and the diet. Everything in moderation.
4. The Workout
The workout that I want to incorporate in this diet is very simple. I want you to walk. That is the simplest way of burning the most fat. Jogging or running is great, but your body gets into shape too quick and then doesn't burn enough fat to make a difference. Walking allows for the body to burn larger amounts of calories for the same length of workout than a heavy workout.
5. Share It!
The last element to this diet is to share it! Get the word out there that there is a new diet in the world that anyone and everyone can do. You don't have to go broke eating better and you don't have to starve. Challenge your friends and family members for even greater drive. Please comment below as we would love your comments. Share it if you like this blog post and enjoy!
1. Greener is Cleaner
Greener is definitely cleaner and is not just better for the environment. Your body will have a new vibe when you begin to eat greener and cleaner. Spinach, lettuce, celery, Swiss chard, kale, and broccoli are just a few of the great super-foods and veggies that you can eat with this diet. Gorging yourself on green veggies will give you the essential vitamins and minerals that you body needs to run cleaner.
2. Calorie Counting Gone
Can there really be a diet that gets rid of calorie counting? This will be the second diet that we have created that utilizes watching what you eat instead of counting calories. There are also very few calories in fruits and veggies that are green. The reason that we want the calorie counting to be a thing of the past is that we want this diet to be easy enough for anyone to do. This makes fat burn and weight loss all the easier.
3. The Green of the Diet
The green aspect to the diet is what we want to utilize. By eating green fruits and veggies you will lose more weight quicker. I find that salads, soups, and smoothies that are green with veggies are some of the best ways to enjoy the green of the diet. Salads are probably my favorite when it comes to clean eating. The conundrum that we come against is the fact that putting gobs of dressing on your salad kills the purpose of green eating and the diet. Everything in moderation.
4. The Workout
The workout that I want to incorporate in this diet is very simple. I want you to walk. That is the simplest way of burning the most fat. Jogging or running is great, but your body gets into shape too quick and then doesn't burn enough fat to make a difference. Walking allows for the body to burn larger amounts of calories for the same length of workout than a heavy workout.
5. Share It!
The last element to this diet is to share it! Get the word out there that there is a new diet in the world that anyone and everyone can do. You don't have to go broke eating better and you don't have to starve. Challenge your friends and family members for even greater drive. Please comment below as we would love your comments. Share it if you like this blog post and enjoy!
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
New Years Weight Loss

Why did I write a New Years weight loss blog post late?
I wanted to embrace my goals, not resolutions, for the New Year.
Weight loss is not a simple task. Losing weight and fat and defeating obesity will be accomplished this this year.
We are starting a New Years Weight Loss Revolution! No longer are we going to be making New Years Years resolutions, but we are making New Years REVOLUTIONS! If you are like me then you really hate New Years resolutions. You pick a resolution, promise to be better, and then you fall flat. We are going to avoid that and take you right to the New Years Weight Loss Revolution. We are excited to give you something that will boost not only your weight loss, but your life too.
1. Stop Making Resolutions
Stop making promises and resolutions that will never come to anything. Stop making them to your family and friends and then dumping on them a day or two later. You don't help yourself at all.
2. Watch What You Eat
Watch what you eat. By watching what you eat, you will gain control over the most overlooked part of weight loss. Eating is something that a lot of people do for the pleasure of eating. We are going to eat, purely to sustain ourselves, and then stop before the weight packs on.
3. Implement the ETL Diet
The ETL Diet is one of the easiest diet, if not THE easiest! Where can you get this diet? Right here! The elements are easy enough for anyone to do and they are healthy and quick.
4. Exercise Like Crazy
We are going to exercise like CRAZY during this revolution. Please understand that you don't lose weight unless you work out and burn more calories than you take in.
5. Get the Results
This revolution that we are starting is sure to get you going and will be a sure fire guarantee to get you to lose that weight. You will see more results in a shorter amount of time by joining us on this revolution.
1. I will not quit.
2. I will not be one to brag about my results and boast about them over my friends and family.
3. I know that this is not for the faint of heart and that I will be losing a LOT of weight over the next few months.
How are we going to execute the revolution?
1. Strive for Weight Loss Perfection
2. Be Okay with How Much weight you lose and how fast you lose it.
3. Encourage Each Other
4. Challenge a Friend
If you want to join us merely comment with your first name and why you want to lose weight.
Weight loss, fat, obesity, and our goals are going to be defeated.
I will be next to you every step of the way.
Together you and I will lose weight and get our six pack or better body.
~Obesity Overload
new years,
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