With the new Star Wars movie set to break records in the box office at $300 million, we find ourselves wanting to workout like the famed Jedi in the Star Wars movies that we have grown to love over time! If you have run up against a wall in your working out, awaken the force in you, and become a Star Wars hero with this Star Wars Jedi workout. Find out how you can lose weight and fat by following and implementing this great workout to become like the Jedi that rule the Star Wars world!
1. Legs
This great workout is mostly leg oriented and we find ourselves faced with another leg workout. The legs are the most overlooked body part group set. I have worked out my legs quite a bit and am happy to say that I have a good set of legs. Plyometrics are added very subtly to this workout as the leg exercises give you something more than just a burn in your legs. They will help you jump higher as well as burn fat.
2. Abs
Abs are the second most worked set of muscles in this workout. Abs are a very delicate set of muscles, but can be worked out quite well with this workout. These exercises typically will give you a good burn throughout your abdominal area. The side jackknives will need to be done at a slower pace because you can pull or separate the obliques from the ribs and it will cause lots of pain and discomfort.
All in all this in a really great workout that will help awaken the force and greatness in you. This is a true Jedi workout because it combines the abdominal power along with the combustibility of the legs to give you a good leg and jumping workout. This workout is not for the beginner unless you're going to take it very slow. Stretching is very vital to the well being and state of your muscles before, during, and after this workout. Join the Jedi rankings with this workout and awaken the force in you!
-Jedi Master Jeremy Scharmann
~Obesity Overload
Check out the official trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens below!!!
Have you ever wondered, "How can I cut back on my Thanksgiving meal that I'm serving my family without cutting the flavor out?" I am here to tell you that we are going to have three fresh ways to cut back on your Thanksgiving meal without cutting the flavors out of your good tasting meal. Millions of people will eat a Thanksgiving meal this holiday season and we want you to enjoy bit of it without cutting on the deliciousness that is the famed best meal of the year! Let's take a look!
1. No Salt Butter What with all of the salt on the turkey, in the dressing, and on the rolls, you will find yourself wanting to drink more and more. The more you drink the more bloated you will feel. I have done this all too often as salt is the culprit for more liquid consumption and retention. Cut back on the salt in the butter that you use to cook and butter your rolls with. This will help you lose weight and feel skinny!
2. New Recipes Sometimes you just need to get some new recipes. If you have traditions that are in your family, you are just like my family. We make the same exact thing every year and we end up feeling so bad afterward because we don't change the recipe. Do something about that by changing the recipes to the classics to healthier recipes. Pinterest is a great place for recipes. Try something new or do something a different way that will make a difference in your weight loss.
3. Cut Sugar Cutting down on the sugar by using half the sugar in pies, drinking a sparkling juice instead of soda, and sticking to yams without marshmallows are just a few of the ways that you can cut down on sugar. Cutting the sugar will help your body to digest easier and the sugar will not be stored as fat. I know that each of us likes something sweet to eat during the holidays, but if you can refrain from the sugar, you can save your diet and weight loss!
I am so glad that you have stopped by once again to Obesity Overload! We have enjoyed giving you three tantalizing Thanksgiving trimmings that will help you lose weight despite the Thanksgiving and holiday season. I hope that you guys and gals are doing good after not having written for a long time on this blog. I would like to pick it back up and give you guys and gals some good tips, tricks, and ways to lose more weight than you ever have before. Share our post! Be safe this holiday season! No drinking and driving.
ATTENTION READERS OR ANYONE THAT WANTS TO LOSE WEIGHT: Our e-book for weight loss is being sold right now for $0.99 on Amazon! We are having a huge sale!
We are trying to get this going for our readers and wanted to offer it for a limited time for just under $1. No one should have any excuses for not having a chance to read our e-book on weight loss.
The e-book is chocked full of tips, ways to help you lose weight, an explosive workout to get you into shape, and an expanded diet to get you the six pack you've always dreamed of! PLEASE DO NOT WAIT! THIS OFFER WILL SOON BE GOING AWAY!
Please tell your friends, co-workers, and family members that the best e-book that has ever happened to weight loss is under a buck to buy! CLICK ON ANY OF THE LINKS IN THIS POST TO GET YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GEM FOR UNDER $1!!!
Isn't it a good question? Haven't you often wondered the same thing? Who wouldn't want to lose weight while still eating what they want on vacation only to lose weight? The truth is that we may have to slightly modify our diets or habits on vacation. I will give you some tips that will help you to eat what you want to while still losing some weight during your summer vacations. Let's get started today!
1. Limit Alcohol The first tip that I have may only apply to select people, but it is a big trap for a good number of people. When we go on vacation we grab a beer, a shandy, or another mixed drink and we sit by the pool. We drink a drink or two at dinner and with the drinks previously in the day, we find ourselves splurging on calories and sugar. By limiting alcohol to one drink a day, you will save calories!
2. Limit Dessert Another calorie hole that we find that sinks us with our daily calories is the desserts that hotels or restaurants indulge us in. Desserts are high in sugar, fat, and calories. This tip applies to more of us because more people take part in a dessert of some kind after a meal or just for the fun of it. If we limit desserts that we eat, we can expect to cut calories and make it easier for our bodies to burn fat!
3. Smaller, Slower Bites We as people that are overweight tend to eat big bites and we chew really fast. The next thing we know we have eaten a truckload of food, especially when we are on vacation. Vacation is where we don't care as much. By taking smaller, slower bites and making each one deliberate we will find our brains actually seeing what we are eating and it will trick our brains into thinking that we are full.
4. Don't Just Sit There!
I know that vacations are meant to be times where we just sit and relax, but there has to be some time to workout or get up and do some activities. If you can manage a few moderate activities that will burn some fat while you're on vacation it will help you lose weight and keep it off while allowing you to eat what you want. Don't just sit there, get up!
5. Pack Good Snacks Some of you just gave out a big sigh because you knew that this tip was coming eventually. Packing good snacks that you can eat instead of getting all of the junk food that everyone tries to feed you will be calorie saving and you will be able to lose weight because your not pigging out. Fruits and dried fruit and nuts are great choices for good snacks. Leave the chips and soda behind to lose weight!
6. Plan Activities Within Walking Distance If you can plan activities to do within walking distance, I would suggest doing that and walking to where you need to go. You will save money on gas, you will burn off calories and weight, and you will feel good during your vacation. I've done this before and its not the most comfortable or relaxing way to vacation, but it will keep you in shape, get you in shape, or give you a good workout.
7. Focus on What You're Doing Giving greater focus to what you're doing when you eat, what you eat, when you eat, and how and what you do to exercise or workout will give you a psychological edge that not many people have when their on vacation. This really is a common sense tip. Pay attention to what you're doing! Don't be stupid and think, "I'm on vacation, I'm going to do what I want!" Focus and lose weight!
If you implement these 7 tips for eating what you want and losing weight on vacation, you can indeed lose weight while you're on vacation. Not all of these tips are necessarily new. They will certainly help you to lose weight while you are on vacation. I have seen these tips work. I can guarantee that if nothing else you will give yourself a greater chance to lose weight by following these tips.
Imagine for a second that you pick up our e-book, you read it, you implement the concepts and you lose weight! Wouldn't the $4.00 be paid off because you got some killer results? OUR E-BOOK IS FINALLY HERE! I am so proud to announce that our e-book, "Obesity Overload" is out on Amazon!
For the first time anywhere, we will be able to present for your enjoyment, the e-book that will rock the weight loss world! The reason that it will rock the weight loss world is because it includes weight loss concepts, a diet, exercises for helping burn the fat off, it helps with presenting a very vivid picture of the effects that obesity has on the body, and it helps show you how you can help us break the chains of obesity. What else could be better for the price of a coffee?
Imagine for a moment that you can fit into your dress without worrying about your butt looking too big, can fit into your pants without having to leave the button undone because you have a beer belly, can fit into smaller clothes that don't hang off of your body like a parachute, that you can see a solid six pack on your body, that you can get rid of the excess fat! Wouldn't that be great?!? With our e-book we will help you get to that place that you just imagined and it costs less than a loaf of break at the store and little more than a gallon of gas at the gas station.
This is it! Anyone in the world that wants to lose weight can get a hold of our e-book now. We are proud to be able to make this book available to you after making you guys and gals wait for so long. Please take a look at the e-book. We guarantee that you will not be upset that you bought the e-book. You will be surprised at how easy the program is. Where else can you get a weight loss program, a diet, and weight loss concepts for less than a Starbucks coffee?
You can get a six pack, you can get fit, you can pursue your dreams without the extra weight!
OUR E-BOOK IS BEING PUBLISHED AS WE SPEAK AND IT WILL BE COMING OUT WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS! I am so extremely excited that our e-book is about to come out. I have been working long and hard, trying to get an e-book out to you guys and gals that have been reading my blog. Now, it is finally upon us! It will be sold on Amazon and will be $4.00! That is the price of a cup of coffee. You will get a diet plan and a great set of exercises that will boost your weight loss to the stars! It is like getting a whole weight loss program in one, good sized e-book. It is a really good sized e-book for the price. I am so ecstatic that the weight loss community will have an e-book that will revolutionize the way we look at weight loss.
THIS E-BOOK WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ANYONE THAT WANTS TO LOSE WEIGHT AND WILL BE THE NEW STANDARD BY WHICH WE MEASURE WEIGHT LOSS! If you have been reading my blog for the past 3+ years, I would like to invite you to buy the e-book when it releases and get a chance to change your life for the good. This e-book has been long awaited and it is right around the corner.
Have you ever wondered what something like coconut oil is good for? Have you ever wondered what the hype and talk is about? In this blog post we are going to give you uses for coconut oil that will leave you feeling pampered and feeling good.We are going to look at how coconut oil can help you lose weight. There are several uses for how coconut oil will help you look better while losing weight and for losing weight! Let's begin!
1. Cooking Use coconut oil as a dairy free alternative to butter, whether it be for baking or frying.
2. Drinks Add coconut oil to drinks for added energy, or add it to water for a low fat and low sugar option.
3. Lotion You can use coconut oil as a lotion and for getting rid of stretch marks as you lose weight.
4. Fats Use coconut oil for substituted fats that will help you lose even more weight.
5. Cellulite Coconut oil can be used to get rid of cellulite after repeated use for quite a while.
6. Body Butter You can use coconut oil with shea butter in order to give you smooth skin in a body butter.
7. Creamer Stir in a little bit of coconut oil in your coffee for a sweet and and dairy free creamer option.
8. Butter Replace your butter with coconut oil and enjoy a lower fat, lower cholesterol option.
9. Digestion Increase the efficiency of your digestive tract by eating a tablespoon each morning before you eat.
10. Peanut Butter Mix with crushed peanuts or peanut paste with coconut oil to make your own peanut butter.
I hope that you guys have enjoyed the blog post. Use coconut oil to help you with weight loss and help you get to your healthier body goals. These are some great uses and we hope that you share them with your family and friends.
Our e-book is still being worked on! It's coming really soon and will be totally revolutionary for the weight loss world as we know it! Spread the word!
OH MY GOSH! I am so happy to announce that we are literally right around the corner of releasing the Obesity Overload E-book! It has been an absolute blast working on this e-book for the past year or so. If you are a beginner in the weight loss industry, a veteran in the weight loss industry, or you are just the average Joe, this book is for you! Anyone that has obesity will be able to buy this e-book for a fraction of the price that I could be charging for a weight loss e-book.
I don't want to get rich from the e-book. I want to use the money to improve the blog and give you guys and gals more tips and tools for helping you lose weight. We are going to blow up the misconceptions of weight loss and we are going to bring the concept of what weight loss is in a fresh light! There are so many people out there that need this e-book. It will have all new concepts, ideas, and content. You don't want to miss out on this e-book. It will transform your body and life into the beach body and healthy life that you have always dreamed of!
I can't wait to release this and am working hard at trying to polish it up and get it to a presentable stage. Share the news like wildfire and tell your friends in your networks. We would appreciate your guys' support and help getting the word out!
I know that you gals and guys will LOVE this e-book and that it will be in the top sellers list immediately! I just need you to read it and implement the concepts to transform and save yourself from obesity! SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Have you ever been stuck in a rut on how to lose weight? Have you ever been lacking in real proven strategies for losing weight? If you are a beginner or answered yes to the above questions, then you are not alone. There is a good number of people in our world that is not educated in how to lose weight. So, in this blog post I really want to give you guys three proven strategies for how to lose weight. At the end of today, you will have a strategy that you can implement in your own life for weight loss!
1. Lighter, Longer, Legitimate!
Targeted Class: Best for older men and women and those with bad joints.
The first strategy that I want to talk about will take the least amount of effort and is probably the easiest one to execute. This strategy is based on the concept of working out at a low to medium impact effort and eating a third of the normal calories that the average person eats in a day. Because it is a low to medium impact workout effort, we find ourselves losing weight slower, but the slower we lose weight the longer it will stay off. This is a highly legitimate and trustworthy strategy for losing weight.
2. Middle of the Road and Intermediate Targeted Class: Best for most people and a bit of a one-size-fits-most.
The second strategy is the best for most people. It is a one-size-fits-most type of a strategy. I have laid out a diet, the ETL Diet that goes with this strategy. I find that working out with this strategy entails working out with medium impact to light-heavy impact, and eating with a diet that cuts over half of the calories of an average person. The ETL Diet that we are basing our e-book off of goes well with this strategy because it allows you to lose more weight because you are eating extremely clean and your body will feel great! I have taken part in the majority of my weight loss time in this strategy and I see an average of 3-5 pounds being burned in a week and my body doesn't hurt so bad.
3. Heavy, Athletic, Superhero-esque Targeted Class: Best for those that are strong willed, spirited, young, athletic and strong.
The last strategy that I will talk about for today is that of a heavy, athletic, and superhero-like weight loss strategy. I have proven that this one works, but it is one of the hardest, discipline driven, and hearty strategies for losing weight. It is based upon working out with high to very high impact and eating about half of the calories of the average person. If you can do this one, you will burn off huge amounts of fat and will feel very accomplished after conquering it. This strategy is for those that are not grossly obese due to the fact that those that are grossly obese can't workout very hard. Gook luck if you are someone that has a lot of discipline for this heavy strategy!
I would encourage you guys to chose one of these strategies to workout with. The second strategy is the best one and you get a free diet that we have already written out and laid out for you guys. The second one is one that disciplined and committed people can do. A lot of people try to do the first one and they don't get good results. If you try to take the second strategy, you will find it an accomplishment and you will feel good about your new body.
Feel free to share this blog post and comment at the bottom! If you comment, I will answer and help any ways I can!
How many times have we heard about this new weight loss pill or supplement coming out into our local stores? How many more pills, miracle drugs, or weight loss supplements are they going to come out with before these companies understand what they do to our bodies? We are constantly bombarded with weight loss supplements that promise us certain benefits. The disappointing thing about them is that they don't always accomplish the benefits that they set out to accomplish. So, are weight loss supplements good or are they bad? We will decide whether they are good or bad after I break them down before your very eyes.
1. Broken Promises Have you ever seen a little kid have a broken heart after a parent has broken a promise that they had promised them? They are literally devastated! How bad would you feel if a weight loss supplement promised to get rid of cellulite, get rid of hip and thigh fat, help you to loose your muffin top, and help you to get a beach body; and then after taking the supplement for the prescribed time and nothing has changed about your body? I would feel like beating up the makers of that supplement and I would feel horrible about myself! Supplements offer broken promises.
2. Great Benefits, Not Enough Progress This point might tie in with the last one with the difference being that you may get some good effects or progress, but it may not give you a whole lot of the good benefits that the supplement promises. Sometimes you may get good beneficial progress and not enough progress in helping your overall weight loss progress. The point that I'm trying to make is that we can not have our cake and eat it too. You will either get good benefits and no progress, or you will get no benefits and great progress. You will rarely to never get them both at the same time.
3. New Fashioned Supplements Vs. Old Fashioned Weight Loss
New Fashioned Supplements -Spotty results -Benefits are outweighed by side effects -Very costly
Old Fashioned Weight Loss -Results are sure -Benefits are shown and known to outweigh side effects -Simple and cost effective
I think that we can see a pattern in these three points.Weight loss supplements are just not worth messing with. I have tried some weight loss supplements and the side effects plague me every time I use them. I don't get the results and good benefits that the supplement promises. I feel taken advantage of too because the supplement was relatively costly to my wallet! Besides all of the points I made in the above post, there is a factor that we haven't even talked about. The factor is that supplements are bad for your body, even the good ones. They are wrapped in good intentions, but they are all bad for you guys. Stick to the old fashioned weight loss or the ETL Diet that we have given you!
You guys are so inspiring to me! I am happy and ecstatic to inform you guys that I am hard at work, working on the e-book. I want to give you guys a way to reserve an email that will be sent to you when our e-book is about to come out and when it does. It is kind of like setting an alert so that you guys don't miss out on this great e-book! It is going to be highly explosive that it will completely boost your weight loss like you have never seen before. It will be somewhere in the realm of under $10 for a diet plan, a workout plan, concepts about weight loss, the science behind it, and it will transform your life in drastic ways that you can't even comprehend right now!
1 (First Way).
All you have to do is click on the link below and subscribe to our Feedburner and you will get an email when we come out with blog posts! We will be coming out with this one-of-a-kind e-book that has never been released to the public very soon. We want to see people subscribing to the Feedburner. CLICK HERE TO GO AND SUBSCRIBE!
2 (Second Way).
You can also get emails for upcoming e-books by subscribing to the blog itself on the right sidebar of our blog!
3 (Third Way).
Follow us on Twitter! Our name is @obesityover
If you decide to go this way, you may miss our Tweet in the large stream of Tweets!
Why are we doing it this way?!? We are trying to get subscribers to our blog. I don't want to lie to you guys. At the same time, it is a fantastic way to get people to reserve a right to know when the e-book is releasing. You will be emailed when the blog post comes out when we release it, only and only if you are subscribed to either of these ways of reservation. Please don't wait! Subscribe and reserve your chance to change your life for the price of a coffee at Starbucks!
Steaks, sausages, beer, ice cold watermelon and explosive fireworks, coupled with overeating during the Independence Day of the United States of America! We eat a lot of great tasting foods during the holidays and the 4th of July is no exception. What are we supposed to do when it comes time for the festivities and your family members come out with candy, cookies, and other high fat and sugar foods? We will discuss what we are supposed to do in this special 4th of July Edition.
1. Moderation
"Everything in moderation," is a phrase that I have always lived by. It means that we are supposed to eat a little bit of candy, not the whole bag. All too many people slam down a whole pack of licorice without another thought as to what it is doing to their body. Cancer cells live off of sugar and it is in everything. I implore you and encourage you to use moderation and to use common sense when it comes to eating this weekend!
2. Evade
Evade sugar as if it were the very thing that you were going to die from. If you follow the ETL Diet that I have outlined, it is based off of having enough discipline to see that sugar and junk food is death or poison. Evasion is done in the fastest and swiftest way possible. Doing so doesn't leave time to look back, it just powers ahead to strive for something better.
3. Eat
Eat what is good like fruits and vegetables and nuts. Eating what is good will not allow your body to think about eating what is bad. Fill up on as many fruits and vegetables as you can. Eating a lot of barbecue, such as meats and beans and other good foods like that is perfectly fine to eat, but stay away from the fatty garlic breads and white breads. I have found that it is very hard to stay away from junk food, but its easy to not eat it if you think of it as poison.
4. Limit
Limit your alcoholic drinks to one or two a day. If you are normally someone that drinks 4-6 beers in a day I would encourage you to limit it. Beer is extremely sugary and has definite effects of slowing down your metabolism way below where it needs to be. When you drink alcoholic drinks your body craves food to eat and it causes you to overeat even more than you normally would.
5. Drink
Drink a LOT of water. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day allows your body to feel full, it keeps you from overeating, and your body will be fully hydrated. Water is the best beverage to drink during your 4th of July parties and celebrations. Drinking alcohol can severely dehydrate you, even to the point of dying if you are out in the sun for long amounts of time.
Be careful around fireworks and don't drink and drive! This is a very joyous and busy time. Be safe during your travels and be wise. Use your brain when it comes to eating certain foods and don't eat junk. Garbage in, garbage out! If you put in junk foods, candies, and sugary drinks and foods, you will find that you may gain weight over the celebration weekend. A good many people will eat too much and drink too much, but you can and will lose weight and stay on track!
You have heard it said that there are certain things or habits that successful do or implement to be successful, right? This is going to be our version of 7 habits for a successful weight loss! Do you ever feel like there are things that the successful people in weight loss do differently or better than you? I am going to reveal them to you and give you guys a glimpse of some of the type of stuff that will be in the e-book. I have compiled some great insightful content that will help you guys get that beach body that you so deserve. Here we go with 7 habits for successful weight loss!
1. Discipline
The very first habit that anyone that is successful in weight loss does is to create a habitual discipline. They get discipline so pounded into their heads that nothing is worth going against that discipline. What I mean is that, when you hear about all of these people doing weight, they only last for a few days because they have no discipline. Discipline is the foundation for weight loss that so many people skip out on.
2. Strong Will
Strong will is the second habit that people try to apply. Strong will is a little bit different than discipline. It does work hand in hand with discipline, but what sets it apart is the tenacity to accomplish your weight loss. Its the heart to never give up. If you lack a strong will, then you will give into temptations to want to quit because its too hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it!
3. Perspective
Perspective is our third habit. There can be a lot to say about perspective, but the biggest thing is that it is how you look at a situation. If you think about how weight loss is so hard, will be a pain in the butt, will be expensive, etc...then you will never succeed. If you have the perspective and outlook that it is possible to accomplish it, that it is easy, that you can do it one step at a time, it becomes easier to deal with.
Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors 4. Change
You may not have guessed that change would have been one of the habits, but what we mean by change is the willingness to change yourself, who you are, and what you are about in life. Don't do the same thing expecting different results (like paying so much money for weight loss programs that don't work). Instead, change yourself and try something new (like our e-book that is coming out soon). It will be beneficial to you, easy to use, and you will be able to change yourself for the better.
5. Set Goals
Setting goals is one of those, "Duh!" habits that we always think of when we are going to lose weight. The thing that I want you to remember is that New Year's resolutions are a kind of goal that is so limited and unrealistic. Set smaller realistic goals that you can achieve weekly so that you can see the progress and be encouraged that your weight loss is taking effect and that you can do it!
6. Patience
Patience believe it or not is a virtue that completely contradicts what our humanness tells us is the right way to go about weight loss. We want things done today or the weight burned off today. What I'm telling you is that patience is a tool that comes with great responsibility because it can be a make or break deal with your weight loss. If you have enough patience to wait for the results, they will come, but if you don't then you will want to quit. This is a BIG and important habit!
7. Active
There are a lot of people that take part in weight loss programs, but they don't put any effort into being active constantly. The reason that people lose weight and are successful in weight loss is because they are active all of the time! They are thinking of ways to burn more calories, achieve their goals in shorter amounts of time, and they get off of their butt to go and do it. They are active and execute activities to get to their weight loss!
I do hope that you have learned a lot about the habits that successful people have in weight loss. All you have to do to be successful is to implement these habits for successful weight loss. They are fast, fun, and easy habits that you can do to help you get to your goals. Remember that it takes the mind and body 20 times of doing something to become a habit. Have patience and let the system work for you. Our e-book is coming and we can't wait to share our system that will help you lose weight, get that fit body, and kill obesity...once and for all!
I am proud to announce that I am still working on the Obesity Overload E-book! For those of you that are interested in losing weight, this e-book will completely help you to re-think weight loss and it will make it easier for you to execute your weight loss while still within your budget. The e-book will not cost much. I promise you that I am not wanting to make a fortune off of the people that will buy this e-book. The only thing that I want from this e-book is to help people and get paid for the time that I have poured into this book for you guys and gals. It is still in the works!
How many of us have too much fat on our buns and thighs and we just want to lose it? What I'm wanting to do in this blog post is to educate you guys on how you can burn the fat on your buns and then to build some great muscles on those leg guns. Would you burn your cellulite or fat off of your buns if you knew how to do it? Of course you would! I am going to give you guys some exercises that you can do at home and without spending any money. I have built considerable muscle on my guns and have enjoyed being leaner on my buns and thighs!
1. Squats
Squats were the very first thing that I did when I wanted to burn fat off of my butt or buns. Squats utilize the buttock muscles, hamstrings, and even the quads. This is a compound exercise that works more than one body part at a time. Because we use so many different parts of our body we burn more fat and calories than other exercises that don't utilize all of your body parts.
2. Run
This one is kind of an oxymoron because running uses so many body parts, but it also uses core muscles that help burn fat. Running might be painful if you are heavily overweight or obese, but it is something that you can do, or you can even jog if you want to. Get out there and get the buns that you want!
3. Sit
Wall sits are another great exercise that you can do. Wall sits allow you to really squeeze your buttock muscles and feel the burn in the buns. This exercise will help you to build those muscles that you will really enjoy. The wall sits were one of my favorite exercises to do because you can do it against a wall and it doesn't cost any money.
You guys and gals will be well on your way to building the guns and burning the buns with these three great exercises! These three are some of the most basic exercises that you can do, but if you do them until failure, for four days a week, you will be surely on your way to great buns. If you want a burning in your buttocks that will indicate that the exercises are working, you can be sure that these three exercises will do it for you. Go and burn off that fat!
No supplement can really help you lose weight right? I mean, most of the time the benefits are outweighed by the side effects right? If you are skeptical about the weight loss phenomenon, garcinia cambogia, then this blog post is for you. The green coffee energy booster, helps with weight loss, and helps to cleanse the body of dead bowel weight and gas. If you are not sure whether garcinia cambogia is good for you, check out these facts to decide for yourself whether its a scam or a boost for your weight loss.
1. GasThe first problem that I faced when I took a trial of garcinia was the fact that there was an unreal amount of gas. If you have ever had gas pains you know that it makes you extremely uncomfortable. When we eat fast food it just adds onto the amount of gas that builds in our bodies. I found that I was faced with a LOT of gas.
2. Weight LossI actually did have weight losses when I took the garcinia cambogia. I felt lighter and like I was loosing weight. This was big for me because I wanted the garcinia to do what the company was claiming that it did. The weight loss is real and it isn't just water weight. If you think that its not real weight loss, think again.
3. Diarrhea
I did not deal with diarrhea myself, but there are evidences of people that have taken garcinia of having diarrhea. The reason for the diarrhea is that cambogia acts like a bit of a colon cleanse. The problem with this is the discomfort of being out and about and having to go urgently. Diarrhea is a bacterial problem that occurs in the body.
4. Energy
I found that I had increased energy when I took the garcinia cambogia. I had more energy than I had before I took it. When it comes to energy in this day and age, we find ourselves low and in lacking. We don't get enough sleep and we expend our energy way too quickly. If you want an energy boost on top of the weight loss, garcinia cambogia is great for it.
5. Scam? or Boost?
So, is garcinia cambogia a scam or a weight loss boost? I wouldn't personally use garcinia for more than a few weeks because there are adverse effects that can be and are quite annoying.There are good effects that it has on the body for real weight loss. For the amount of money that it would cost for buying it I would suggest using it for a short term. Garcinia cambogia is NOT a scam, but you will have to deal with some of the adverse effects in order to receive the benefits!
I know that a lot of people still may be skeptical of garcinia cambogia, but if you can handle looser stools and a little bit of gas, then this can be the boost that you have been looking for. You definitely don't need to spend an arm and a leg for it, but you can get some decent garcinia for around $10 or so, it just depends where you look. If you want, you can buy a trial sample and journal how your body is affected by it. This is a great weight loss and fat burning booster!
So, I know that there are a lot of people out there that would benefit from an e-book like this for weight loss that doesn't require giving your soul to the program. I am working on it still and am hoping to have it finished within the upcoming months. Spread the word as it will not cost all that much, but will be power packed with lots of good weight loss tips, tricks, and a diet that you can follow! We are rethinking weight loss for you guys! IT...IS...COMING!!!
First off I would love to say, "hello" to all of my readers and say that I will be doing a United Kingdom Edition, or the British version of Obesity Overload. I was wanting to stretch out my roots for the Obesity Overload blog. I know that I have readers worldwide, but I wanted to give tips on how to conquer obesity where people are at, not just in the United States of America.
It is quite difficult to work out and to stay fit in a country that endures rain on a somewhat constant basis. Have you ever wondered what has made England fatter than it has been in the past? We will give you some tips and help you guys and gals lose weight quickly and in an efficient way.
1. Lay Off the Fish and Chips The UK is famous for it's fish and chips. It is one of the places that made fish and chips what it is today. The problem with fish and chips is that, while it is still lower fat because its fish, it still is fried in oil, battered, and served with french fries. There is a lot of fat that is incorporated with fried food, as well as, salt, and high levels of starchy fats. If you lay off of the fish and chips, you will be glad that you did!
2. Take it Easy on the Alcohol If you take it easy on the pub drinks and the mixed drinks, you can cut a LOT of weight because you're not consuming as much sugar in the drinks. There are a lot of people that drink a lot of alcohol. By drinking alcohol, you put your body in a sugar high and the alcohol is hard on your liver and kidneys. I'm not saying that you have to cut it altogether, but at least keep it to a very low level.
3. Take Up Yoga I know that there are a large number of people thinking, "This guy is absolutely crazy if you think that I'm going to do yoga," but there is a huge list of benefits from doing yoga, or adding it onto what you're already doing to workout. You can workout with yoga indoors and it requires no workout equipment. Yoga gives greater flexibility to athletes, helps with deeper oxygenation of muscles, and helps your body to perform more optimally. Click here for our link for our yoga blog post!
4. Taste Foods From Other Countries By tasting food from other countries, you can gain a palette for some of the good foods that are offered around the world. I know that the palettes of many people in the UK are used to fine cuisine as it is, but if you taste recipes from other countries and look for good foods, they are indeed out there for the taking. Cheeses and wines have a lot of different flavors from different parts of the world. Check them out!
I hope that you have enjoyed this United Kingdom Edition of Obesity Overload and I hope that the British people will find a great welcoming into our community as we expand our reach and hand to you guys and gals. Implement these tips and watch your weight go down just from the sheer fact that there are several foods that are fatty, a truckload of different alcohol drinks, and get going on the working out to boost your weight loss!
If worse comes to worse, have a spot of tea with half the sugar you normally take!
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I have decided to do a post about the effects on the body that obesity leaves. Several of my friends and the people that I know have become sick from being overweight and having obesity. I have endured through some of the effects of obesity. Millions of people are affected by obesity and I am calling everyone in the world to read this blog post and consider changing your life for the better.
Some of the affects of obesity have been topics that we have talked about. I don't want to extensively talk about what each of these affects entails, but I want to educate my readers on what exactly is happening in your body when you are overweight or obese. There are a good number of people that are oblivious to what obesity is, the affects, and the consequences of continuing on the path of being obese. Let's learn about how obesity is the silent death!
1. Heart Diseases
The number one way that obesity affects your body is through shutting down your number one vital organ, the heart. Obesity is literally a heart breaker! Heart diseases are extensively destroying hearts and are clogging our arteries with fat from being overweight.
2. Liver and Kidney Complications
Another huge way that obesity has an affect on our bodies is liver and kidney complications. We normally associate sugar consumption with obesity because eating sugar makes you fat, not eating fat itself. Our liver and kidneys can't handle the the dense sodas and the sugar that we stuff our faces with.
3. Cancer Cancer is a rather broad cause of death from obesity. There are several different cancers and causes for them. The thing is that it has been scientifically proven that a lot of cancers feed off of sugar. When you are obese you eat a lot of fat creating sugar which in turn causes cancer.
4. Shin Splints Shin Splits aren't quite as serious as cancer, but it is a very painful effect of obesity. Shin splints are extremely painful and we find it hard to jog or run or even exercise because our body can't handle the extra weight. Our bodies were built for smaller amounts of weight in order to live at optimal health.
5. Death Obesity has the ability and power to kill you! Don't be duped into thinking that obesity is harmless. There are are countless of ways to die and while obesity is only one of them, there are thousands of different parts to obesity. Death can come to you at any time, especially when you are obese.
According to World Health Organization there are over 600 million people in America alone that are obese, 1 out of every 10 people are obese, the worldwide devastation of obesity has doubled in the time between 1980 to 2014, and obesity is preventable. It is quite simple to fix the problem of obesity, but it is hard at the same time because people don't want to be bothered with the truth and they don't want to give any effort towards it. We will talk in the upcoming effects of obesity in further detail. End obesity in your life today. Share this post with everyone that you! Let's begin a worldwide war on obesity right now!
Hello guys! So, I have been a little bit laxidazical with working on the blog and the e-book, but I'm proud to report that I have begun working on the e-book again and will be releasing it once I am finished! If you guys want to email me at: scharmannj@gmail.com then I can email you guys when it releases. Spread the word and get excited because we are going to release this e-book that will be revolutionary and will help you get a beach body that you deserve!
Many people have thought about doing yoga in their lifetime. I have thought about it as well. I kind of thought of yoga as something that women did or that it was too girly for men to be doing. I have been pleasantly surprised to admit that it is manly to do yoga and that those that do yoga are strengthened in their mind, inner core, and are extremely flexible. There are many benefits to yoga and to doing yoga; one of those being that yoga can and will help you lose weight. It is like doing weight loss exercises, but they are slow and controlled as opposed to explosive and fast. Let's delve into why yoga is strength from within and how it is good for weight loss.
1. Strength from Within
Yoga is a set of exercises that are mostly stretches to increase your flexibility. It is based on the concept of breathing deep into your diaphragm and exhaling through while lifting your body up. The strength from within comes in the form of strengthened core muscles from the inside to the outside. The first set of muscles to be strengthened from yoga are those of the core and center of your body. The strength builds from within to the outer parts of your body.
2. Slow, Easy on Your Body
Yoga is a set of finessed, controlled, and easy movements that make it really easy on your body. By doing slow and easy movements, you prevent hurting your body and you really strengthen your body. Yoga is notorious for giving you a base for which you can build a bodybuilding, weight loss, or athletic body. A lot of people have misconceptions that yoga is for women only. The problem with those people that think that its girly to do yoga is that they are missing out on the long list of PROS by looking at one CON.
3. Weight Loss
Yoga can burn fat by breathing in deeper and giving your muscles more oxygen to burn fat and perform at greater heights and intensities. By going slower, the deeper breathes are more than adequate in providing the best and deepest selection of oxygen in order to get your body running like a fat burning machine. I recently found a video that had a lot of the same movements that regular weight loss exercises had, but you go at a fifth or sixth of the speed and you hold your body in order to burn the fat off of muscles.
All in all, besides the fact that you may not score points with the guys for doing yoga, you will gain a six pack by sticking to a bigger and deeper yoga workout. You may find that yoga is the best thing that has happened to you in a long time. I will be taking up a yoga regiment because my body is extremely sore from work, most of the time. If you would like to join me I will be doing the workout that is in the video posted above. Check it out and take it up for strength from within, for yoga abs!
Have you ever asked yourself, "What is the point of dieting?" Why should you diet? Are there any benefits to dieting? I have heard several, in fact, hundreds of thousands of benefits to dieting. I have chosen 3 benefits of diets in order to help you guys decide on whether you should diet or not. I hope to fully convince you guys that you need a diet and to help you guys see why it is a great idea to go on a diet.
1. Avoid Disease and Sickness
The first reason to diet or for diets is that you will be able to avoid disease and sickness. Diabetes, cancer, bloating, and the lowered immune system are all diseases and sicknesses that being overweight and obese causes. Diets are the automobile to take you from sick and obese to healthy.
2. Blood Pressure Decreases
Blood pressure decreases when you begin a diet. Losing weight while on a diet can and will lower your blood pressure. Blood pressure contributes to your heart and internal organs working harder than they should. Lowering your blood pressure will help your body to work more efficiently. Your body is like a machine. When your body runs with high blood pressure, its like running a machine that runs on gas on water. You need to lower the blood pressure in order to put the gas back into the machine.
3. Your Body Will Feel Better
When you are overweight, your body feels bogged down, slow, and very hard to move. An overweight body feels uncomfortable because of always sweating, sagging fat, and lots of other problems. If you go on a diet and lose weight, your body will feel better, will run more efficiently, and you can get rid of the extra fat that acts like extra weight weighing your body down.
These three benefits for diets is just a few little drops in the bucket. Losing weight will have extremely radical and good effects on your body. Dieting is 80% of the weight loss. Diets are not as hard as you may think. They have absolutely hundreds of good benefits. I hope that you guys will consider doing a diet and to change your life for the good and for the better. If you don't, then you risk being really sick and or dying.
Are you someone that has been plagued by cellulite? That extra skin that hangs from those parts of our body that consume the most fat, and we often find that its the hardest of the fat to get rid of. Depending on how much you have it can take a few months to years to get rid of it fully. Not to worry though because we have come up with some ways to get rid of that un-fabulous flab that we love to call cellulite. Get rid of the unattractive, jelly-like, squishy, and un-pleasurable flabby fat today!
1. Dry Skin Scrub We have all heard that we loose dead skin cells as a natural phenomenon that happens to us throughout our days, but what if I told you that using a medium bristled brush as a dry scrub would remove cellulite and open up your pores? You can do it a few minutes a day before your shower and it doesn't bother your skin too much. Make sure that your brush is thick enough to scrub, but not so thick that you start to bleed from the scrubbing.
2. Coffee Scrub After you use your dry skin scrub with the brush, put on a coat of a little bit of water mixed in with coffee grounds on the part that you scrubbed. This will rejuvenate your skin and make it feel invigorated. We all know the wake up that coffee gives you in the morning. Now you can use it to jump start the cellulite burning away process. These two combined give your cellulite ridden parts a good zapping. Feel the burn!
Mucho en fuego! Peppers are known to have ingredients and aspects to them that boost weight loss. They literally will melt fat right off of your body. Cellulite will not stand a chance when the acid from the peppers and the heat hits your body. You will see the cellulite shrink down by adding peppers to your meals. Jazz up your taste buds, and give your legs something to dance about!
4. Hydration
How much water do you drink in a day? 6 ounces? 8 ounces? 2 liters? If you are like me, then you don't drink nearly enough water. You feel like you are thirsty, but you go for the caffeinated products. By drinking sodas and sugary drinks, you deplete your body of water and put more fat on. If you want to burn cellulite, drink enough water in a day and you will flush your skin of harmful toxins. Hydration in key to you getting rid of cellulite!
I hope that you guys and gals have enjoyed my blog post about cellulite and what to do with the un-fabulous flab. Weight loss and losing weight definitely helps. If you would like more help, click on the link below to get more help. These tips and tricks should get you off on a good start, but if you want to get rid of cellulite permanently, then click on the link and get the help that you so deserve. Don't we all deserve the beach body, with clear skin, and great toned and defined muscle?
Are you someone that is thinking about quitting your weight loss or diet program? We have all thought about doing this at one point or another. The thought about quitting seems to come up a lot because we find it hard to do the things that are essential for weight loss and keeping on track with our diet. You can either quit what you are doing with your weight loss or diet program, or you can take the bull by the horns and go out and do it. What do you do when you feel like quitting? Let's take a look!
1. Remember
The first thing that you can do when you feel like quitting is to think back and remember why it was that you were wanting to quit. You may have been doing your weight loss or diet program because you wanted to get a girl or a guy, or you were losing weight to fit in smaller clothes, to look better, whatever reason that you had. Think back and really remember the, "why." You will be glad you did.
2. Hold
The second thing that you can do is to hold on to that reason and why you wanted to do it in the first place. People forget things and why they do the things that they do. Hold on with a tight grip to that all important reason why you are doing it. When everything wants to take that reason you are doing your weight loss or diet program away from you, take a hold of it and rip it out of their hands.
3. Focus
After you struggle and grind and fight with the reason why you were wanting to do it in the first place, focus on the solution that will bring your motivation and love for doing it back around. The solution is to think about all of the time and energy and money that you have already given to it. Think about what your life would be like if you were to quit. Would your family line continue with obesity and disease from obesity? Or can you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make a difference?
4. Reality
A lot of the bloggers that I see that blog about weight loss, fitness, dieting, bodybuilding, working out, and on and on, they all have one thing in common. That one thing is that they sugar coat everything for you and tell you that it's easy. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Think about reality and how the world works. Nothing is easy! Weight loss is a long and hard road. I have seen fitness gurus and trainers that say its easy. Its not. Now that you have thought about reality, think about reality in the sense of how easy it COULD be by breaking it down into smaller chunks, say, a few minutes a day to work out. Keep in mind that its hard, not easy.
5. Goals
Share your goals with at least one person this week that is NOT yourself! By sharing these goals with someone, you may find it it will inspire them and them being inspired might inspire you. Take some time to get a drink, slow down in the day, and share your thoughts and goals for weight loss and dieting with them. They might have useful information for you on how to attain those goals as well.
6. Challenges
Acknowledge the challenges that you are facing and will face in the future with going through with weight loss or dieting. So often we find ourselves struggling in challenges and we don't acknowledge them. By doing this, we put ourselves in a place to be completely oblivious towards what it is that's causing us to fail. Accept those challenges and work to conquer them and destroy them with every step you take.
7. Positive
The last thing to do when you feel like quitting is to be positive. Think about the happy things that you have accomplished through weight loss and or dieting. Take away the negative thoughts that will bring you down and strive to be positive and happy. By doing this you will find that you no longer want to quit your weight loss or diet program. Positive thinking is like good food for the soul.
I hope that my readers can implement these things that you can do when you feel like quitting. Its a pretty simple job of thinking about how hard you have worked and not being stupid enough to quit. I know that it hurts when you work out and its hard to eat good all the time, but you guys must strive to beat obesity and keep going. Otherwise, you may find that if you quit, it just might be to your demise or downfall.
Eating disorders and eating bad has affected us and still affects on a daily basis, even though we may not think that we are affected. Young people are not the only ones that have eating disorders. We are going to look at who is affected by eating disorders. I was reading a post from The Huffington Post about how young people are not the only ones that are affected. I want to re-iterate a few points from THIS BLOG POST, and explain my take on these topics as to why older people are NOT exempt from eating disorders. Here are ways you can tell that you have an eating disorder.
1. Preoccupied Thoughts
All to often we find ourselves being preoccupied with thoughts about food, weight loss, or cooking. This is kind of one of those, "I like to cook / I have a problem and need to stop thinking about food" types of things. If you are a stay-at-home mom or person that likes to stay home, then you find yourself around food and in the kitchen a lot. You eat, drink, live, sleep, with food at the forefront. Older people struggle with this one more than younger people. They have more time to plan and eat.
2. Avoid Social Gatherings
If you know that a social gathering will be at a restaurant or it will have food, you try to avoid it at all costs. This could be hanging out at a sports bar and can go so far as not wanting to go to a friend's house because there will be food there. This is the second way that you can know that you have an eating order. Why do you have to avoid social gatherings because there is food there? Moderation! 3. Mood Swings, Irritability and Depression
If you have ever had an eating disorder when you have to eat to be happier and when you don't eat you feel like ripping someone's head off, you can relate to this all too well. People that have to eat in order to be happy, less irritable, or come out of mood swings have an eating disorder. If you raised your hand and said, "That's me," then you can be sure that you have an eating disorder. You can be older or younger, it doesn't matter. I have known older people that have mood swings as if there is no tomorrow.
4. Nervous or Indecisive
Do you get nervous or indecisive around meal times? If you are like a lot of the people that have an eating disorder, you may realize that you have nerves in the form of an upset stomach or gas. People with eating disorders are nervous or indecisive about their lives or decisions when it comes to meal times. Older people can experience these symptoms as well as younger people, its not just about younger people.
I hope that you have properly assessed your life and if you have an eating disorder, whether you are younger or older. There are 5 more ways that you can decide and assess whether you have an eating disorder. CLICK HERE to go to The Huffington Post's originally quoted post! I hope that you guys can look forward to fixing your eating disorders now that we have looked at some characteristics of people that have eating disorders.
For more information on the most widely spread eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, you can go to the link below to get more information from Dr. Oz on how to fix this eating disorder. CLICK HERE!
I want to encourage you to fix your life and the problem of eating disorders whether you are a healthy younger person or you are an older person that is struggling.
I know that I've given you guys a lot of criticisms over my time of writing for you guys. Today I want to give you 7 foods that will fire up your body and prepare it for fat burn. The way you burn fat is not as essential as what you are eating to get to the point where you can burn the fat. How we eat affects our diet and how we burn fat. Also, WHAT we eat affects it as well. We will focus on the what to eat as we look at 7 foods that will fire up that metabolism and help your body burn that fat!
1. Apples or Pears
Apples and pears have been proven to be effective in raising your metabolism and fat burn in your body by raising the fiber in your stomach and intestines and keeping your body feeling full for a longer time. They are semi high in sugar though, so overeating them could have reverse effects.
2. Whole Eggs
Eating whole eggs is often thought to be a great increase in cholesterol due to the fat that is found in the egg yolk. Recent studies have shown this to be untrue and a false assumption. They are high in protein and high in vitamins. Eat a couple with breakfast to give your fat burn a boost.
3. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens such as kale, lettuce, Swiss chard, and collard greens have many important factors in raising that fat burn level in your body. They have fiber that keeps your body feeling full, as well as being low in calories and carbohydrates. Grab a salad for lunch and fire up that fat burning machine!
4. Dark Chocolate
I have a feeling that you guys and girls will like this one! I'm telling you that the antioxidant rich, low sugar, low processed, fiber filled, crunchy chocolate made by cocoa beans will be a great food that will fire up that body for burning fat for several hours. All you have to do is eat a few pieces and then watch the fat burn away!
5. Beans
Beans are an excellent source of protein, they are inexpensive, and they take a long time to digest. The fiber richness of the food allows for longer digesting time, which means it will take more calories to burn the beans off. I eat my beans with ham hocks or by themselves with hot dogs. Burn some fat by firing up your body with beans.
6. Soup
Soup can be a really good food to fire up your body and help it burn that fat for a long time. Most of the time soups are a weighty and heavy food that utilizes fiber, vitamins and minerals, and protein. They can be heavy on the sodium which isn't the best thing, but there are soups like Progresso that are good in sodium and fat.
7. Olive Oil
If you're someone that has been on the Mediterranean diet, you are all too familiar with olive oil. A fact about olive oil is that the Greeks used to drink a cup of it in the morning for breakfast to jump-start their body's digestive system and keep things regular. You don't have to drink it straight, but sprinkle it over a salad, in some whole grain pasta, or have it on some break with a vinaigrette. Olive oil has properties of good fats and minerals that will give you a fat burn.
I hope that your weight loss programs are going well, that you are healthy and on your way to your weight loss goals, and that you can use these foods to boost that fat burn as you fire up your body for the long run. These are great choices that you can use in your own lives. I have used them for quite a long time and they have worked for be. They have good vitamins, minerals, fats, protein, and lots of other good qualities to push you along in your fat burn and weight loss!
Are you one of those people that is stuck in a rut? You work out, try to do everything right, but you still can't lose weight? I am here to tell you that there are a few things that you can do, starting today, that will help you blast through your plateau and get to the point of burning fat again. You may have lost a good bit of weight and then it slowed down or stopped. This is what we call a plateau. It happens when what you're doing for weight loss, your diet, workout, and other things that you're doing become insufficient and too easy for your body to handle. Let's look at a few things that can help!
1. Cut Out Sugar
If you already haven't cut out sugar, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you can help blast through your plateau if you merely cut out sugar. Sugar is what diseases and cancer feeds on. There is little to no good bodily benefits to sugar besides the fact that it gives you a little bit of energy. If you cut out sugar, you are on your way to blasting that plateau.
2. Get Motivated!
One reason why you may be plateauing in your weight loss is because of a lack of motivation. I have found that in my own weight loss, if I wasn't fully committed to doing it, making it work, really cooking good things, and keeping my motivation, I would fall behind and gain weight in my plateau. You need to stay motivated to blast through the plateau! Here is a video to help you guys with motivation!
3. Cut the Calories
Something that I figured outa long time ago when I was working on my weight loss was that you really have to watch how many calories you cut and make sure that you are really cutting calories. You may think that you're cutting calories in one area of the weight loss, but you forget that you are still consuming them by the truckload in other areas of weight loss. Cut those calories.
4. Change Your Workout
Another revelation that I had when I was younger and studying about weight loss was the fact that the body, when you give it enough time, will make itself strong enough to become efficient enough to get through your workout with ease. It was mind blowing! Change your workout and make it harder or get a different kind of workout that utilizes your weaker muscle groups. Blast through that plateau!
5. Visualize
A lot of the time that I spent in weight loss was time that I didn't visualize what I was doing. I thought that I was still fat, still overweight, still obese, and it was a driving force for that huge plateau that weighed me down. Visualize success and visualize a skinnier and more slim and sleek you that you can be proud of. Don't get weighed down on where you are now, visualize where you want to be.
If you guys remember, I incorporated keeping journal into our weight loss steps at the founding of this blog. Writing down everything that you eat, lick, or taste can be a great way to see exactly what you are eating. It helps us know what we are eating, how much of it, when we eat it, and it allows us to adjust our weight loss program and how we do things accordingly.
7. Eat More Fiber
This is a rut that I found myself in when I looked at my weight loss. I wasn't eating enough fiber and I had a lot of food just sitting in my stomach that was seeming to rot. I wasn't passing my food quick enough because I wasn't eating enough fiber, and this was allowing my body to consume and put on more of the fat and weight from my food. Eating more fiber allows your body to get rid of impurities.
8. Overeating
A lot of the time, when we go to restaurants, they give us gigantic amounts of food. We think that we have to eat all of this food, when in fact, we don't! Put half of your meal into a box or doggy bag and save it for later. Overeating can happen at home as well. When you are at home all the time, you're around food, and your body feels like it wants to eat all of the time. Get out of this rut and blast through that plateau.
You guys can and will conquer your plateau. I believe that you guys can get out of this rut and blast through your plateau. I would suggest implementing these tips on how to get out of your plateau. When you let your plateau go to long, it becomes harder to get out of it later on. The longer you wait on getting out the worse off you are. Weight loss is a hard venture that takes strength and energy to get through. You can do it!