Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fat Blasters for Guys!

So, you are that guy that wants the abs that everyone stares at, right?
Are you trying to get that beach body?
I mean, we all do!
So let's take a look at some fat blasters to give your fat burners a boost.

1. Shooting Some Hoops
Shooting some hoops with the guys is a good aerobic exercise.
Hoops with your buddies is great for helping them lose weight too.
2. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training):
High Intensity Interval Training is a set of exercises that takes aerobics to the next level.
Jumping rope, mountain climbers and burpees are great HIIT exercises to get that fat melting off of you!
3. Skating or Skateboarding
Skating and skateboarding can burn a good amount of fat.
Pump those legs to get speed and burn even more.
4. Running
Running can burn a great amount of fat and blast it quickly.
Guys, you will have no problem with burning fat with running because it works on your stomach.
5. Run On the Beach
Running on the beach will give you even more fat burning incentive as it is extremely good for burning fat.
It really helps with burning your abs.
6. Squats
Working out your legs is working out the biggest muscles in your body.
Burn more fat by burning the fat on your legs and burns it all over your body.
7. Adding Protein
Adding protein to your diet will grow muscles easier and will help you bounce back quicker.
Protein is essential for building muscle that will burn fat.

Men, take advantage of these fat blasters and burn that fat!
~Obesity Overload

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